
February 12, 2009

do tell

When was the last time your parent called you for simply telling you how much she/he loves you?
When was the last time you called your parent for simply telling her/him how much you love her/him?
Not for any commercially induced reasons.
Not for any socially regulated virtues.
Not for any obligations such as Father's Day, Mother's Day, or birthdays.
Simply for one reason that you and your parent truly feel the love and want to explicitly express it and successfully deliver the message.

My answer is last night.
Mama called in the middle of my dinner with colleagues. Her voice was full of joy. She simply said 我突然很想告訴你,我很愛你. Translation: I suddenly want to tell you that I love you very much.
(Mind you, non-Chinese speakers, it is very difficult for a Chinese speaker to say these words.)

This is a test for the receiver of the love message. This is to test whether the receiver has the same feeling too. If so, the receiver will truthfully reply "I love you very much too." If not, there will be an awkward moment that both parties can definitely sense it but not be brave enough to acknowledge it right away.
See? It is very much similar to romantic love: Feel it or not. Say it or not. Break up or not. Sweet burden or bitter drag.
My reply to Mama was I love you very much too.

Like telling your lover your feeling,
pick up the phone now and call you parent(s) if you love him/her with strong affection without lying or leaving wrong impression.

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