
March 28, 2008



我強力推薦中視晚間新聞,沈春華選的新聞比東森年代民視三立 TVBS 有格調多了,國際新聞比較少有奇聞異事而多點有意義的大事。
為什麼台灣的新聞媒體不培養跑國際新聞的人才呢? 一點社會責任也沒有!


台獨的目的是什麼? 最原本的台獨意義一定不是為了反國民黨而提出的,也應該不是為了反中共而提出的,國民黨也是反中共啊,不然國民黨幹麻不留在大陸投靠中共? 所以民進黨不能用愚民手段說選國民黨就像投共一樣,應該要回到最原始的台獨精神,向大家說明跟中國畫清界線的優劣。民進黨更不應該把文化給政治化,很多去中國的現象,讓人心痛。假如硬要扯說台灣不「傳承」中國文化,那也沒有必要一昧割棄中國文化,難道激進的台獨人士不能接受「借鏡」中國文化嗎? 我們可以借鏡歐美日本,為何不能借鏡中國? 醜化中國並不能提升台灣價值啊。
還有啊,為什麼民進黨員那麼沒有氣質? 就算他們認為大打草根性的台味可以跟選民拉近距離,但是台灣幾乎沒有文盲,大家都受過教育,罵人不帶髒字才是高明啊,爆料要有實際證據才會有人相信啊,台灣人又不是笨蛋又不是沒有教養。所以民進黨不是要改革而應該要回歸本質,做回清新的代言人,不要一直陷在惡鬥裡。


March 24, 2008


Gina 很肯定的說我們小學的時候都有唱「禮運大同篇」,但是隨著我中文的退步和記憶的喪失,我只記得前兩句,而且還深深的相信這首歌的歌名是大道之行也。
於是乎,她很了不起的在美型男玉木宏所代言的 Mr. Donuts 專賣店裡唱起來了,還整首歌唱完,讓我笑不出來,再也不敢嘲笑她... 從小我的國文都比她強啊... 而且她的表演天份竟然也是很大器晚成,我只能在她對面乾瞪眼,靜靜的細想孔子幾千年前講的話果然是受得起時空的考驗啊~

在走入永康街的時候,玉木宏那美美的男臉(故意要跟「女體」二字做反比,卻也其實是事實) 立刻深深吸引我的目光,比裝獅子王的甜甜圈來的誘人。
吃完晚餐執意要拉著 Gina 要來吃日式抹茶甜甜圈,幾年前那雄獅正紅的時候,我還不屑的說「又想要搞那種當初葡式蛋塔的一窩蜂,可惜胚胚我就是不愛吃甜甜圈,再怎麼裝可愛變成獅子王都沒有用,不排隊就是不排隊。」如今一窩蜂瘋狂買雄獅的盛況不再,我卻也為了男色吃了第一口的日式甜甜圈... 果然比不上美式的 Dunkin Donuts 來的甜膩,而且沒有討人厭的粗粗的糖粒,所以結論是果然不錯吃。(不經一事不長一智:其實我是喜歡甜甜圈的,但是不喜歡糖粒,所以我不喜歡台式西點麵包店裡賣的甜甜圈... 啊,真相大白)

再加上 Gina 帶動唱般的表演,喜樂的不得了啊。

先跟大家分享最早期的 Mr. Donuts 獅子王廣告:



最後是可以跟 Gina PK 的喜樂帶動唱:



而且啊,抹茶口味的任何食品都超好吃的 :)

March 21, 2008

re-love Taiwan

Now it is 10:00pm, 3/21, Taiwan time. Any election-related activities stop now. Both parties cannot officially gather people parading on streets or gathering in squares. No one is allowed to distribute flyers.
Since 3/12, it is illegal to report any polls on who gets more popularity than the other.

I didn't know the above deadlines. Or I should say, I don't remember the deadlines for Taiwan elections. I haven't executed my civil right since 8 years ago. Eight years ago, I voted for Chen, the current president. Disappointedly, although he was the greatest Mayor of Taipei City, he is the worst President of Taiwan.

People have to come back in order to cast our votes. This time the number of returning voters from all over the world is amazingly huge! It is like Chinese New Year. Everyone comes back home from Americas, Europe, Australia, Africa, Oceania, and different places of Asia (especially China). This past week, Taiwan-born-but-oversea-resident tourists are everywhere. At first I didn't figure out why lots of people were not working at 10am Thursday, crowding something new and cool that I was going to try: MaoKong Gondola. Soon I overheard cell phone conversation such as "Hey, I am in Taiwan now. I will get back to deal with that thing once I vote on Saturday", "Oh, finally I can have a good haircut. Americans never know how to do it right!", and "This is delicious! I miss it so much."(The red-ish reflection was my coat. The whole MaoKong Gondola trip was 4.03 km in a super cute white cube as if we were in a "sky lamp")

Or in streets, it's easy to hear people say "Taipei is the most convenient place in the world." I totally agree.
If the yoga and tango communities in Taipei were as good as those in New York, I would move back immediately.
If the culture of appreciating beer and wine was like the culture of appreciating tea, I would move back to Taipei soon.
If I could easily (as easy as 95% of the population) find beautiful shoes for myself, I would not hesitate on the idea of moving back too long. Even stores selling European or American shoes are unlikely to get my money. Why can't Taiwanese shoe-sellers understand the difficulty of a tall woman? Ok, of a large-feet woman?
If more international news were covered on Taiwanese TV, and thus if Taiwanese people had a broader view of the world, I would be proud of Taiwan even more.

See? Taiwan is not perfect but I love it.
It's a weird but normal feeling of love. The goodness is overwhelming so I tolerate the badness.

Opening a once-my-favorite novel, a sentence read "That was 10 years ago when I entered university."
I entered university 10 years ago. It's amazing to look back to see how much things have changed and how many things have not changed.
I was so enthusiastic about the election for Mayor of Taipei. Young people like me were active participants. We wanted Taipei to change because we loved it and because we could not stand the old-fashioned style of ruling. We were so happy when it changed.
Now again, almost everyone is participating in changing Taiwan. I can't help but feel passion everywhere. People care. I love it when people care.
Perhaps we should in a way thank the corrupted government for triggering passion in people. It is so moving to see how we fight for loving Taiwan.

In less than 24 hours, the result will be known. I wish we all love each other again, green or blue, for the reason that we all love Taiwan.

PS. an irrelevant thought:
Recently in the same press conference where Tibet was the focus, Taiwan was not left out. Mr. Wen of China said "independence of Taiwan should not be decided only by people in Taiwan but be decided by people in China too."
Oh, really? If he could hold a national election and give his 1.3 billion of people the right to vote (the first ever right to vote~ wow~ what a historical event~), Taiwan would be so so so honored. This does sounds like an exciting opportunity for him to mark the history. Go for it, Mr. Wen! Let your people decide. We would be very happy to host a debate and invite international media. The headline would be so shining "China to Give People Rights".

March 17, 2008



國際電話 - 叫爸爸篇


那碗麵依然是Q塊塊 塊塊Q
咱巷子口的supermarket 有進貨



不過我這次都沒有看到金城武的廣告 :( 有點失望,所以再網路上找到一個我在電視上沒看過的,而且很金城武的放上來給姊妹們分享一下 :)

March 14, 2008

do you vote

"Physicians have lower adjusted voting rates than lawyers and the general population, suggesting reduced civic participation." Drs. David Grande, David Asch, and Katrina Armstrong concluded in the January 2008 issue of Journal of General Internal Medicine. The title of the article is Do Doctors Vote?
According to their conclusion, the answer is "yes, but should be more often."

This article was sent out from the President of our research center.
Probably he was hoping his doctors could participate more in choosing the leader of the country, not just more in making money. According to the same article, doctors make more money than lawyers. Probably he also wanted his doctors could win in any formats of competition. So he was pep-talking to us, which was totally my contemplation and if he actually thought the same way, it simply was a coincident,
"Hey my fellow doctors, well I also want to include Ph.D. in this content because you are literally doctors too; however, I know the attached article was studying medical doctors but I don't want to explicitly leave Ph.D. out because I don't want medical doctors to be too guilty about their lack of civic participation. How about both doctors take the responsibility at this crucial moment?
"Anyway, my fellow doctors, we have to vote. Next time, when the Survey comes to us, I want you to proudly tell the researchers that you have voted and you are a doctor! We can't be won over by lawyers. We are better than them!"

To vote is the it thing everywhere I go these days.
Democracy is hot.

Obama or Clinton?
I checked the CNN website every hour on nights of Primaries.
I wish I could participate more in the US presidential election. But at this moment, the Taiwan presidential election is burning my eyebrows and begs for my full attention. So it is good that the next US Democratic Primary is not going to happen until April 22. By then, I will know the color of Taiwan for a month.

Ma or Hsieh?
Blue or Green?
Do you love Taiwan or not?

Election campaigns in Taiwan are always very Taiwanese.
Every election time Taiwan becomes a concept instead of a real place where real people live in and on and inside out of it.
This time the emphasis on the concept of Taiwan is even stronger than ever because half of the Taiwanese people are frustrated, disappointed, and angry at the other half who care about only the concept rather than the reality of Taiwan.
It's embarrassing to say that half of Taiwanese people actually accuse the other half with the following:
"You don't love Taiwan because you apply for the green card when getting your masters degree in Harvard."
"You don't love Taiwan because you speak Mandarin."
"You don't love Taiwan because you recognize degrees earned in Beijing."

"You don't love Taiwan because you want to promote an open market with China."
"You don't love Taiwan because you want to 'return to' the UN instead of 'join' the UN."
This half is the so-called the dark green who deeply explicitly promoting independence of Taiwan from China --- like what Kosovo has just done to Serbia weeks ago. On the opposite side of the spectrum, the so-called dark blue are people who deeply believe that Taiwan should embrace China and be part of it.

I am in between. Most people are in between. Extremists never outnumber.
From most people's point of view, Taiwan is practically independent. The official name of Taiwan is confusing with China's. Which may be the reason that the non-Chinese think Taiwan is part of China. I always put Taiwan on any form that asks for my nationality. No one ever gave me a look.
But officially changing Taiwan's name is a big deal for China. Explicitly claiming our independence -- by changing the name of our country from Republic of China to Taiwan -- will totally piss off China whose official name is People's Republic of China. As China complains to the other countries, Taiwan wants to break the family. (Arh.... disgusting!)
If the family is broken officially, China may throw a bomb to us as violently as it did yesterday to Tibet. China can easily isolate Taiwan economically too if once the "civil war" begins.
Economics is directly related to happiness of people. Everything comes to how well people are fed. Empty stomachs upsets people.

Well.... personally I think the likelihood of a physical war is small even though China has never stopped violently threatening us. China has started wars in international politics and economics years ago, and Taiwan is losing of course. So why bother physically attacking Taiwan and lose its face to the international community? The only reason for a physical war to happen is that China wants to show how powerful it is and how much it does not care about others' condemnations. Taiwan is not Tibet. China won't put a finger on Taiwan because Taiwan's power is not as tiny as the island appears.

However, the dark green actually wants to isolate Taiwan before China does it. Taiwan gets its voice heard because Taiwan is not only democratic but also rich. Money always talk. Rejecting doing business with China is a pathway of getting out of richness. It is not impossible that one day Taiwanese people will have to earn money by exporting labors to other countries like Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, etc. It is scary. My family just hired a "maid" from Indonesia to take care of my grandpa. By meeting with this new member in the house, my uncle was hit in his face that if the dark green takes over Taiwan, his daughter will become this maid in ten years.

I don't understand the logic of rejecting the huge Chinese market. If all we want is a totally independent status, we should accept that China is a different country. Why can't we do business with another country? Why can't we acknowledge academic degrees earned in China? Why can't we import labors from China? Just as how we do with other countries!

Sorry, I cannot stamp my vote on the DPP who represents this dark green idea.
Another reason that I won't give my vote to Hsieh is that Hsieh personally believes in Song Chi Li.
Of course Taiwanese people have much more freedom in choosing their religion than Americans, but Oh Come On!!!! This is not even a religion! Song is not even a God. He is a living human being who is greedy on money and telling his disciples that he can clone his own image any where he wants. If people want to be blessed by him or his images, they should give him loads of money.
This is as ridiculous as believing in virgin pregnancy.
Even sensible Christians do not take the bible word by word. But please explain to me the message of being present anywhere as an image? This is totally beyond me.

On the day of election, we have an option of picking up a ticket about "Joining the UN" as if the result will change our consistent failure of getting into this important international community.
Everyone in Taiwan wants the country to be a member of the UN for many many valuable benefits in all kinds of aspects including the political aspect. However, how to apply for it is a big debate. Should Taiwan "join" it or "return to" it?
This is playing of words.
"Join" implicates that Taiwan is claimed an officially independent country to apply for a new spot in the UN. "Return" means that Republic of China (= Taiwan) once left as a protest now wants to reclaim its position.
ROC was one of the founders of the UN but left because Communism took over China.
This name ROC was given by our National Father Dr. Sun Yat-Sen. Because Communists love to emphasize how well they take care of people in theory, the word "people" was added to China's official name -- PROC.
Therefore, the word "return" would emphasize this historian event and tell the world that ROC (Taiwan) is not PROC (China). But the word "join" would emphasize on the independence of Taiwan from China.
I think this is just way tooooo confusing.
To use this topic to run the campaign is simply manipulating voters' thoughts but not trying to propose anything practical. Practical as in how to make everyday life easier and happier.

Blackmailing is sadly again the most frequent and convenient way to run the campaign by the DPP. Sadly some members of the KMT are tangoing with the DPP by saying if the rumors are true, and if the rumors cause the defeat, they are going to commit suicide. One of them said he would cut open his stomach like what Japanese warriors did.
Oh.... kill yourself then. Does this election have to go so dramatic? Can't we act as a civilized society? All the tears, shouting, swearing, blackmailing, and pretending in front of the camera are so ..... Taiwanese.... now I am home.

But please vote.
Don't be like an American physician.
This is the reason why I am here now.
Not just all the great fruit and vegetables and meat and sweets and ... I love Taiwanese food... but also democracy is one of the greatest things in Taiwan.

March 4, 2008

take a break

Are you tired?
Are you tired of work?

Are you tired of TV?
Are you tired of being moody?
Are you tired of not being able to laugh?

Take a break and watch this!

I guess this was an intermittent break between brain-storming talks in the conference of TED.
These jugglers are great performers and comedians, especially the blue-shirt guy Ben Holzman, whose voice was just cracking everyone up. But they are not great dancers, which in some way made this show even funnier.
Take a 15-minute break now :)

Don't tell me you didn't laugh.

I was introduce to TED a year ago. Alexa showed me a couple of clips including talks by contemporary thinkers and modern dances.
Since then, from time to time, I posted talks from TED here on my blog.
The contents of TED were presentations taken place in an annual conference in Monterey, CA.
Monterey is where the hippie culture started, where yoga started in US, where alternative medicine and eastern religions introduced to US. At least this is what I read in some magazine. So it should be an interesting place to visit.
Now Monterey is still where the open-minded will go for this kind of conferences just for stimulating the mind and heart and brain. I am not sure who are eligible to physically attend the conference, but of course all the information can be found on For example,
TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from those three worlds. Since then its scope has become ever broader.

Take a break from what you're doing now. Stop and think. Or stop and enjoy.

Or stop and watch some great thinkers' talks, such as How Do Ants Know What to Do? and Making Movies that Make Changes

March 1, 2008

being informed

I was eating a prune danish and watching a series called "Things You Have to See to Believe" on YouTube.
First, I watched a man wearing clothes made of cans or plastic bottles. A minute and a half later, the clip was finished, and I found myself bored and was still enjoying the danish. So I clicked another series clip, which showed me a bunch of people trying to fly. Basically, they wore silly costumes and jumped off a gangboard. Instead of staying in air for more than half of a second, all of them fell into the water. I found it boring and clicked on another series clip. At least my mouth and stomach were happy with the danish.

This one was showing a Philippine cuisine: balut.
I had to stop eating.
My brows were frowning. That minute-and-a-half was longer than the previous two minute-and-a-halfs. When it ended, the coming-up recommendations were not more "Things You Have to See to Believe" clips, but were more videos on balut.

Comments from Philippines were like "I ate it too. So what?"

Comments from non-Philippines were like "Oh, this is gross. How can anyone eat it?"
Comments from obviously westerners were like "Asians
eat anything, even their own kind."

To echo with one of my previous blog entry, I am an everything-eater. But. There are some buts needed to be added. I am an everything-but-raw-bloody-chicken eater.
I don't think I will like a raw balut. But a cooked one I may try. I simply don't like bloody raw chicken. So bloody raw chicken embryo? No, I don't think I'll like it.

If you don't feel guilty eating a chicken or a chick, why do you feel guilty eating a developing chick or embryo?
You are not more humane or divine than a Philippine just because you eat adult chicken.
Who are you to decide what kind of chicken or the age of a chicken is more eatable than others? It should all depend on how it is cooked (or uncooked).

For the record, I love Kim. What I am saying in the following does not disrespect her. I simply do not get the logic of some American diet habits.
Kim dislikes to see the entire fish when having fish. She said that Americans usually do not eat ducks because ducks are considered pets in America.
She was surprised that I eat entire fish (including the head and tail, and it's gross enough for her that I like fish eyes.)
She was surprised that one of my food cravings (that I am going to fulfill in 10 days in Taiwan) is duck blood. I don't drink blood. Duck blood, like any other kinds of blood, solidifies and becomes jelly-like. It is s
oooo good in a spicy hot pot! (Seeing this picture makes me so hungry)

I remember listening to a conversation led by Zabeth. Being a half-French helps her to be gladly exposed to various kinds of food, especially meat and seafood. She loves food. I love having meals with her because she is not afraid of trying.
In that conversation, she defended the theory of dog-eating. I don't remember the exact words she put, but it's the same idea that eating pork does not make you more
humane or divine than eating dog meat. If pigs are bred for meat, there is no reason why dogs cannot be bred for meat. If rabbits are hunted for BBQ, there is no reason why cats cannot be eaten.
If eating cats, dogs or chicken embryo is not in your custom, it does not make you more developed, or even, civilized.

Why I stopped eating the danish as watching the balut clip was the unpleasant pictures. I don't like seeing pictures of flowing blood and bumping hearts. An article in one February issue of New York Times Magazine was discussing the accessibility of the internet on this kind of disgusting pictures. It was titled Cabinets of Wonder. At the end of the article, the author Virginia Hefferman said:

And let’s not be naïve: the motives of journalists, human rights workers, documentarians and doctors who draw attention to nauseating images are not always pure. In his terrific book about nonfiction writing called “Follow the Story,” James B. Stewart argues that “writers cannot count on anyone to read their work out of a sense of obligation, moral duty or abstract dedication to ‘being informed.’ ” Instead, he says, the best stories in journalism engage an amoral quality in the reader: curiosity. Stories that are strange work best; we want to see what’s weird, what’s unexpected, what we’re not supposed to see.

Raw balut looks very disgusting. It is like movies showing wounds, some making audience cover our eyes. And you can find a lot of its clips on YouTube and probably other video sharing website. This is when Web 2.0 goes wild. You are not warned before seeing it. I was not prepared to see blood when eating the scrumptious danish.
Good to know what's a balut, but I don't post the YouTube clips about it here. You are not obliged to see it.

Another thought, irrelevant to food:
What is the right of being informed?
Now is the age of gossiping. Gossiping with pictures and motion pictures.
I never particularly liked 陳冠希 Edison Chen except for his performance in my favorite movie 無間道II (
Infernal Affairs II;
Infernal Affairs is the original version of The Departed). But I feel sorry for him in the recent news that his computer files were pirated when he had his computer fixed. The pirated files included thousands of female celebrities' "inappropriate" images. The public were so angry at him, saying he bears no virtue. He had to apologize to the society (who?) by quitting his career.
In my opinion, the IT who stole his files and spread them is the person who bears no virtue. Despite of the content of the images, it is Edison Chen's right to take pictures when he was partying or getting high with his friends. He did nothing wrong. The persons in the pictures did nothing wrong either.
Do we have the right to be informed that celebrities like anybody else who can get really crazy when drunk or high?