
March 4, 2008

take a break

Are you tired?
Are you tired of work?

Are you tired of TV?
Are you tired of being moody?
Are you tired of not being able to laugh?

Take a break and watch this!

I guess this was an intermittent break between brain-storming talks in the conference of TED.
These jugglers are great performers and comedians, especially the blue-shirt guy Ben Holzman, whose voice was just cracking everyone up. But they are not great dancers, which in some way made this show even funnier.
Take a 15-minute break now :)

Don't tell me you didn't laugh.

I was introduce to TED a year ago. Alexa showed me a couple of clips including talks by contemporary thinkers and modern dances.
Since then, from time to time, I posted talks from TED here on my blog.
The contents of TED were presentations taken place in an annual conference in Monterey, CA.
Monterey is where the hippie culture started, where yoga started in US, where alternative medicine and eastern religions introduced to US. At least this is what I read in some magazine. So it should be an interesting place to visit.
Now Monterey is still where the open-minded will go for this kind of conferences just for stimulating the mind and heart and brain. I am not sure who are eligible to physically attend the conference, but of course all the information can be found on For example,
TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from those three worlds. Since then its scope has become ever broader.

Take a break from what you're doing now. Stop and think. Or stop and enjoy.

Or stop and watch some great thinkers' talks, such as How Do Ants Know What to Do? and Making Movies that Make Changes

1 comment:

Ting 2 said...

Monterey is kind of... how should I call it? Touristy now? But still, being where it is, beautiful place.

And its famous neighbor, the next town over, Carmel and the 17 mile drive (golf course).

Tsk. I am starting to miss home.