
September 23, 2009


An Indian friend recommended a movie for me. I watched it and felt not very hopeful. Not very hopeful for Indian women or Indians in general.

I have never seen a Bollywood film, so I can't say that I understand the main stream Indian movies or the main stream culture of India in any sense.
Actually, the number of Indian movies I saw or watched is single-digit-ly three:
Several years ago, I saw The Journey (Sancharram). A year ago I saw Slumdog Millionaire (does this one count as an Indian film?). A week ago, I watched Water.
They all successfully delivered a clear message: With such visually pleasant spirit-lifting colors mixed in daily lives, India has had significant social problems that are so unpleasant and heart-sinking.

The Journey tells a story of two girls who cannot be together because being homosexual is not accepted and because getting married by parents' arrangement is demanded.

Slumdog Millionaire tells a story of a boy (and his brother and his love) who comes at the bottom of the social economic system and unbelievably (thus got beaten up) wins the biggest price on TV.

tells a story of widows who are locked in their world deliberately by the entire society based on a religious textbook that is, of course, written by a human not a God.

If I were an Indian, what would happen to me?
I would an advocate for homosexuals because I am an advocate for any subgroups of humans who are underrepresented for the benefits of those who are overly awarded for their ignorance.

I would not be involved in an arranged marriage because I may not even be involved in a marriage at all. If I want to, it will be my choice, not for the superficial good of a family, or of a name, or of simply I myself being a woman.

I would not win any price on TV. Um..... because I just do not do well with luck or TV.

I would not believe in any religious textbooks. Organized religious groups following some ancient texts word by word simply creep me out. Humans are not sheep. We may follow but we also think. However, many people are too lazy to think but just follow as if they were actually grass-eating without taste.
Regulations should be guidance toward the spiritual core, and should not ban human natures such as food, sex, love, pursuing knowledge, or questioning authority. So locking me up for my never-met husband's death would definitely set me on fire.

Therefore, India would not allow my existence on their land. They would say that I am a bad influence and that I have an evil mind and that I shall feel shameful.
In conclusion, India would feel so lucky that I am in fact not an Indian. Hence, those hypothetical statements are just hypothetical. Nothing to worry about. They can keep their conservative bullying attitudes toward women, low-social class men, and homosexuals. They will never recognize the Museum of Sex in Manhattan. They will still welcome tourists (one day I may be one of them) there for yoga and spiritual trips. They are not worried about me at all.

See? That's why I felt not so hopeful after watching Water. I cannot do anything about it if it is true that there are currently 11 million widows always wearing white, isolated, and living in widow houses for their rest of lives. Hopeless.
Only Indian men, rich Indian men, rich religious well-educated Indian men can overturn this thing. Who the hell am I?

September 11, 2009


台灣本島的代表:攸和大欣是新竹人,小星是高雄人,我反而都沒去坐過。錯過小星的婚禮是可惜了,誰叫我莫名奇妙的追什麼學術夢,追得窮困潦倒,John Palmer 有一次說:可以過得比 Scientists 窮困潦倒而且更有自欺欺人的自信的,就只有 Artists。 ...怎麼忽然間抱怨起來...

她有一張很大的台北地圖,在上面畫地標,她對台北的東南西北跟我會背九九乘法表一樣厲害。按照 bbs 美食版的推薦,她找遍台北,吃遍台北。有一陣子她還帶著即可拍去拍店家的門口和廁所,收集在一本附著筆記的本子裡。
她分享的方式是去買好多份回來給大家吃,我吃到好多我沒有吃過的台北食物,像是延平北路三段的大大熱熱沾滿花生粉的麻糬,還有天母吃吃看的波士頓派,還有我有生以來第一次吃到道地的 bagel--來自重慶南路一段的馬可孛羅麵包坊,而且君一次買了好多種不同口味的 cream cheese。


Jason 說要走,希望走成了。
...青春期正在更新、無限延伸當中... 當了媽媽當了上司換了幾個工作的我們依然還是小朋友,不過就是知道自己是什麼、能作得到什麼、能擔多少風險的小朋友。

September 8, 2009

drawing taiwan

For people who don't understand Chinese,

Please simply enjoy the image and the amazing skill of two hands on a plate of sand.
The artist's first writing was "Taipei Zoo" in Chinese.
The last writing was movingly breathtaking. It was "Taiwan", contoured with the shape of the Taiwan island.

I realized how much I love Taiwan during the first month of my moving to the US. Over the years, I have loved it even more because of its goodness and badness. Every time I went back, I had wonderful trips to various countrysides, where the natural views are unique and unbeatable, or the local people show how diverse our populations are within this 13,972 sq mi land (23,100,000 people). I may not get my favorite steak, pancake, Korean food, beer, or baklava there, but the quality and quantity of Taiwan fruits and tea and snacks and night markets can only be won over by the even improved Taiwan in a near future.

The mission of living away from Taiwan is to tell the world how wonderful Taiwan is. It is wonderful as a group of people, as an entity of political democracy, as a congregation of warm hearts, and as my home country.
Of course, each country has its own shits that never end and never can be entirely dissolved. It's like humans that can never be perfect but the nature is good. Many, including me, have complained Taiwanese tend to use the heart than the brain to deal with everything. However, because of the heart, Taiwan runs on systems of benevolence, great for average well-behaviored residents and visitors.

Welcome to Taiwan, if you go. Taipei is especially English friendly. As to other places, everyone will be friendly to you.