
March 26, 2007



答辯前三天,好幾封 email 催促著我必須一定要報名所謂的「研究生海報展覽 Graduate Exhibition」,連 Toby都來提醒我,說我拿了學院的論文獎學金,規定我一定要參展,不然系上面子難看,而且 Cathleen 當了一年的 Director of Graduate Training,我最好是給她相挺,不要讓她難做人。
這一報名就不得了了,一個叫做日出 (Dawn)的女人 – 叫這名字的人還不少勒,比叫 Peggy 的人多多了 – 三天一封長信,半天一封短籤的寄 email,提醒哪天以前一定要幹嘛,展覽當天幾點前一定要到,海報去哪底印的話一定要在哪一天以前要燒成光碟親自送到某某大樓,還有海報評分標準,等等等。我幾乎只要看到日出在寄件人欄的就刪信,差點也刪了我們系上的日出(她的 email 其實也沒有什麼可看性)。
我才沒那個閒工夫去在乎評分標準,這種競賽窮極無聊,雖然說不是理化海報跟教育海報一起評比,但是每個類別領域裡的差別也很大。我被歸類到「社會與行為科學類 Social and Behavioral Sciences」,人類學(某人題目為:基因、族群、文化與建築特色)、社會學(某人題目為:鄉村青年的就業類別如何影響生態)、運動學(某題目為:如何控制腳底板上肌肉來走或是跑)、教育學、語言學、經濟學、政治學、以及許多科別都放在這個「社會與行為科學類」。我的題目是 Capture of Visual Attention。

------所以我沒寫什麼 congruency, consistency, relevance, or rapid disengagement
3.海報的大小是 36 X 48。
前後不超過兩個小時,其中一個半小時在喬排版,龜毛的在乎一兩條線的 pixel。
然後叫 Toby 來看看。OK 我就擱著了,去舊金山會麻嗎。

昨天,就是展覽當天,天氣超好,春天正式現跡,風光明媚,我怨懟著早起晃去 HUB 展覽廳 check in。
Fine. 你好樣的,我不跟你計較,我不相信在 Penn State富有的學生活動中心裡沒有一卷膠帶可以借用。我微笑點頭轉向詢問台,當差的工讀生正在上網殺時間,好心腸的借給我膠帶。



嗯…. 有點蠢。
而且,評審有名牌,一般聽眾沒有名牌。而且,評審的名牌上,寫著 Judge。

然後 Justin 來了一下,他自告奮勇來當評審,但是他沒被分到我的海報。
然後 Marc 來了一下,送點心來的。

兩點前,我回到我的海報,因為兩點鐘是展覽結束的時間,我想我應該要站回去。Justin 來找我一起去Robin Thomas & Jennifer Olson 的 tango workshop。我當然好囉,錯過第一堂課,已經很不爽了,第二堂課沒有必要繼續在 HUB 裡呆著。
第二堂結束後,我回到 HUB 卸下海報,吃些點心,坐在視聽表演廳裡欣賞表演藝術的展覽得主,一個演奏鋼琴,一個彈奏木琴,很微笑的舒服的坐在聽眾席的沙發上,繼續欣賞各科學類別海報得主的面貌。



March 24, 2007


經過了一個禮拜的調適 -- 調適「答辯後症候群」:無聊到不行 -- 我找到新的生活重心,甚至在禮拜五週末前神經兮兮的開心不已的雀躍著下個禮拜又可以忙著做實驗了。生活重心呢就是看電影、跳探戈、做瑜珈、逛部落格和寫胚的閣。
前晚看了 Babel,我個人比較喜歡同一導演的 Amores Perros (英文片名是 Love's a Bitch)。所以,電影有在看。
昨晚去捧 Marc 的場,他教瑜珈的功力有進步,我於有容焉。所以,瑜珈有在做。
瑜珈後,接著是去上探戈課,我個人做喜歡的老師 Robin Thomas and Jennifer Olson(公認北美洲最棒的老師)來到 State College,當然去虛心受教。所以,探戈有在跳。
剛剛結束今天的 tango workshop,回家閒著,自覺太墮落,所以開始逛網路。自從幾年前巧遇天外飛來巴斯光年後,就很少被其他部落客拐走我的注意力, 不過我想我可以試試 Alex 推薦的格,別號沙龍女主人的最新文章別苗頭的確有讚,尤其是我還認識為數不少的法國人。


某個在紐約市的晚上,Marc 跟我在一家只賣甜點的餐廳,非常高檔的裝潢和氣氛,還有現場鋼琴演奏,不大的餐廳裡有七個服務生。我當然沒有那個習慣去數人家有多少服務生當差,不過我數了有幾個不同的服務生來問 Marc 可以不可以收走他的盤子。

How is everything doing? Is everything doing alright? How do you like everything? Do you need anything else? 每隔十分鐘,服務生就會來問一次。
Yes, great! No, we are fine. 我心想的是,不要再來問了。
So I can feel this project is going to .... 我說
How is everything doing? 服務生突然出現
Great! (with fake smile) 我回答服務生
So .. where was I? Yeah, what I am trying to say is ... 我說
I totally understand because you have been ... 朋友說
(glasses of water comes) Do you need anything else? 服務生又來了

How do you like your dish? 服務生來問
Not bad, but this fish seems a bit over cooked. 法國人說
Oh, I am sorry. Let me give you another one. 服務生端走賣色不加的魚
How is the wine? 服務生問
Hm.. Not exactly what I expected. I thought it was more oat flavored. 法國人說
Oh, I am sorry. I'll let you try another bottle. 服務生鞠躬倒退

見面問候語 How are you? 只是打招呼用的,對方並不見得真的想知道你好不好,而我還是菜鳥時經常認真誠意的回答,結果搞的對方要假裝關心我。

你:How are you?
我:Good. How are you?

服務生:How is everything doing?

March 22, 2007

cog psych on break

What do you do?
People ask me this question every time I introduce myself as a researcher.

What kind of research do you do?
Of course, people are interested in what I research.

Hm… (nodding)… interesting.
People always say this and do this (nodding) when I say I am doing research in cognitive psychology.

No more question does not mean that people understand what I do. It means that people cannot make sense out of “cognitive psychology.”

Cog what psychology?
Some people are brave and honest to ask me this follow-up question. Hey, it is perfectly fine to admit that you never heard of cognitive psychology or you never thought “cognitive” is a word.
After I introduce the concept of cognitive psychology, people will prefer theoretical physics as an easier subject. Which I agree. Human mind is complex.

How much do you earn?
The amount is embarrassing. I am not a clinical psychologist, which usually is my answer as an indirect answer that I am not going to earn a great lot to buy a loft overseeing the Central Park in NYC.

And that’s it. Questions stop right there. It means people do care how much I make and feel sympathetic to my career.

Just paid my apartment deposit, which is more than what I currently get from the graduate school, and about half of what I am going to earn as a postdoc researcher.

Perhaps I should change gear a bit to study decision making and thinking, and I would give people a scientific reason for my decision of being a poor scientist.

Oh come on. It is my life. Mind your own business, people.


I have been sitting at my desk, pretending working, sipping coffee, reading blogs, listening to fun conversations between Rose and Toby, for 4 days after Spring Break.

Obviously, I am still in a taking-a-break mood. I do want to do something productive to my research career. Things are like running experiments and reading journal articles and writing journal articles. However, life is not as easy as everyone thinks. The IRB lady has not extended my IRB number, which expired 6 days ago. I requested to extend it on Jan 1st this year, but somehow the IRB office has been soooo busy that they simply could not do it faster. Talking about this, Rose complains the IRB lady asked her to send pictures of lab equipments. How blizzard, they never ask pictures of any of our equipments before. It is not like that once the pictures are taken, the equipments are proved safe. Anyway, Rose gets very annoyed and decides to take a walk to her boyfriend's office.

I wish I could do such a thing: go somewhere as I get annoyed. go to someone who can always lighten me up, anytime I want.

Instead, I sit here, waiting for my 2 o'clock appointment. It is a girl who is interested in our department and wants to become a grad student in Fall. Hey, welcome, soon-to-be cognitive psychologist. Well, in her case, she would prefer to be called a psycholinguist, meaning that a person who study linguist processing in cognitive psychology. I admire psycholinguists but I cannot honestly suggest her to come here. The reason is very personal. Since I do want to last long and well in Psychology, I cannot say the reason out loud here in public (as if all psychologists read my blog.) Don't get it wrong. I do like Penn State. I do like Pennsylvania when its winter does not go longer than 3 months. Let me put it in this way: you need to be very passionate in your work in order to devote your time of 5 years to finish the program. AND you need to be very lucky to work with people who make you feel lucky.

For example, I have been loving my passion in cognitive psychology. I am lucky to have Toby and Cathleen as my mentors.

There seems no single word to sum up what I am doing. How to combine "psychologist specialized in visual attention"? I need to learn German, I guess. How about visuopsychologist? Nah... feels like a psychologist who can see. Psychovisionary? Sounds psycho.

Never mind. I don't like the idea of being labeled, anyway.

Check out this comic site of PhD. Now I do have a lo000oot of time to have great time there.

March 11, 2007

a Train of thoughts

I am not an American citizen. But if I were, I would vote for the presidential candidate who cares about building a train network that connects at least top-ten populous cities in each state and connects all states (of course except for Hawaii) of the United States of America.

State College is the biggest town in central Pennsylvania. It is the 3rd biggest town of Pennsylvania during football weekends. The airport is, however, tiny, and not very connected to the outside world. No direct flight to New York City, Boston, or Chicago. The train station is, unfortunately, not existing.
Well, there are direct flights to Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and D.C., but ordinary people (such as poor graduate students) cannot affort 300 dollars for those direct flights.
There is a train station in a nearby town, like 45 minutes away. One train a day to New York is simply not practical.
Chinese people are smart. They have started Chinatown buses, cheap and express, among New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and D.C. Since last summer, State College is included in the network of the Chinatown bus.
But Chinatown bus is not the solution. It is still not convenient to travel from one town to another. It is of course nice if you only want to go to New York City for example.

I drove to Newark to catch a flight to San Francisco. Of course, if there was a train to San Francisco from State College, I would not take the train but choose to fly. But if there was a train to Newark from State College, I would love to take the train instead of driving.
In order to catch the flight, I had to arrive in the terminal one to two hours in advance. In order to park in the long-term lot and to calculate the shuttle ride into the pre-flight time, I had to start off four to five hours in advance. And to take a risk of bad traffic, I simply decided to leave State College at 9:30am in order to take off on time at 3:55pm.

If there was a train from State College to Newark, I would not need to worry about the traffic for one. For two, I would not need to park 3 miles away from the terminal and take a shuttle in. For three, I would enjoy my breakfast much better.

Why is a train better than an airplane?
1. You don't have to be in a train station one to two hours before you step onto the train.
2. You can carry milk, coffee, water, tea, shampoo, hand lotion, and perfume on a train.
3. You don't need to take off your shoes at the check point of a train station.
4. You can open windows of a train.
5. Once you are sitted on a train, you know you are soon going to leave the station without waiting for other trains. Oh, let me share my most recent experience when flying off Newark: I with my many other passanger fellows were sitting in the plane and listening to the captain's greetings for the 500th time in one hour or one hour plus 59 minutes before finally the captain decided to fly us out of the airport.
6. Trains are more environment-friendly than airplanes.
7. For short distance, a train is more econimical, both in time and money.

How do you think?
Do you think a train is better than an airplane?
If you do, support me a reason of yours.
If you don't, try to convince me why I should embrace your idea.

Even Taiwan, such a small island, has two train systems: old and stops every single town, and new and high-speed and stops major cities.
Why can't America build a GREAT railroad service for its tax-paying people?
Why? I thought America is a great country.

March 2, 2007


從紐澤西歷劫歸來(詳情請見二月十七那篇「happy new year」),等著 Toby 的回信,決定我是否可以在禮拜一寄出論文。
以為大年初一那天可以清閒,誰知道 Toby 竟然在禮拜天下午出現在我辦公室,又嘻哩嘩啦的說服我再做最後一次的修改。
所以那晚我依然在寫論文,Alex 帶了瓜子肉、蝦米高麗菜和滷豆皮海帶來給我加油。
禮拜一(二月十九)中午,Word 檔轉 PDF,準備寄出我的論文。
不知為何,螢幕上看起來好好的點十二 times new roman,印出來卻是點某某的某某文體。差點浪費七十幾張紙,趕緊在第十幾頁叫停。
Zabeth 同情的看著我,要我寄給她然後她印看看。

禮拜三下午收到一封 email 說去年底投一篇稿子可望刊登在一本期刊(Visual Cognition),編輯要我快快修改稿子。
禮拜四早上,我跟 Toby 的共識是等下禮拜一答辯結束之後再去碰那改稿的事。花了兩個小時討論我要怎麼呈現整個論文計畫。通常在博士論文答辯的前一個小時,是公開的論文發表,任何人都可以出席,我已經通知一些好友,他們幾乎都有來參與我的實驗,貢獻數據和腦波給我。我想好好的做一個報告,謝謝他們對認知心理學的貢獻。
禮拜四下午,我正在玩 power point,放上一張精美的圖來解釋我的實驗方法, Toby突然跑了進來,說這圖很讚,但是我完全不用繼續再花時間做 power point,因為他跟我其他的論文委員決定:直接答辯,跳過公開報告。
另一個理由是,外界不在乎論文,在乎文章發表數,我依然不確定會去哪裡就業,文章發表數越多,就業機會越高(我心想,這個多年我一直想告訴你這同一個概念,你到現在突然同意了?),所以我這個週末應該要花時間在修改發表的文章,而不是做 power point。

突然覺得昏昏的,不是我渴望要做power point,而是我以為這是既定程序。忽然間,不知所措的望著 Toby,只能點頭,然後不發一語的關掉 power point 的視窗。

好在 Zabeth、Rose 和 Alex 每天輪流跟我吃晚餐。Zabeth 陪我的時間最長,除了連續三天的晚餐,還讀了我的論文,出題目問我。Alex 煮飯給我吃,那晚,還讓我在她家看了五個小時的奧斯卡頒獎。
出了 Alex 家,發現剛剛下了場雪,路面上厚厚一層雪,挑起了前一個禮拜驚心動魄的車程。小心翼翼的送 Zabeth 回家,小心翼翼的回家,從停車場走回家的那段路,那段整個空間被雪映的白白的路,好空好空好空好寂寞…

二月二十六早上來到辦公室,一張卡片在電腦前,我看著 Rose 說現在就要給我卡片嗎,萬一答辯沒過怎麼辦?她說這卡片是給現在的我,是答辯前的加油卡。
我去跟 Toby 討論期刊投稿的那個小時裡,Alex 來過我的辦公室,也留了一張加油字條給我。現在我很溫暖了。

在答辯前,我和 Toby 把修改過的文章寄給期刊編輯,然後開始度分鐘如年的等待下午一點。
大家都準時到了,Rick、Cathleen和Toby,這三位一直是我的論文委員,從碩士到資格考到現在。Octavia 已經搬到波士頓的東北大學去了,只好跟她用電話開會。

中間有個小插曲,有人來敲門,Rick 起身去開門,我對電話那一頭的 Octavia 大喊「Someone's knocking the door. Sorry. Let's wait a bit.」
是 Mohamed 的聲音!我心想他怎麼來這敲門呢。我聽到他在問 Zabeth 是不是這裡,我想他是來當 Zabeth 的受試者,卻迷路到四樓來。Mohamed 總是少一根經。

Zabeth, Rose, Nat, Justin, Heath, Mohamed, Vinciane, Robrecht, Teresa, Jane, Claudia 分站在走廊兩旁。
Zabeth 寫 email 告訴很多人來給我驚喜。
啊~ 夫復何求,有這麼些好朋友在我身邊。

Rick 打開門,跟我道喜。
「Congrats, Doctor!」Cathleen 和 Toby 也跟我握手。
Zabeth 送上一束花。
Vinciane 不停的拍照(她三月底就要回法國了,我見證她的英文從無到有,她見證我結束我的學生生涯。)
我不停的說 Thank you。


禮拜四,Toby 和 Cathleen 宣布他們終於也要飛了,夏天他們要搬到 Iowa,整個實驗室要搬過去。他們非常開心,他們的興奮影響到我們。這個搬遷不會影響到我,因為我就要畢業了,Rose 和 Zabeth 要跟著搬,所以我以後要探親,不是回到 Penn State,而是到 U of Iowa。
禮拜五,今天晚上,Toby要幫我慶祝,一票人要去吃飯。 (點下面那張照片可以連到胚的相簿)


嗯,你問 Marc 呢?

That's right! Now I have TONS of time to tango.