
January 4, 2008

happy blue year

This title is to echo with Michael Moore's latest letter on his website.
Just watched Sicko. I went on his website and wanted to see if any updates of good news to turn the States healthcare system into a universal/national one.
But I was distracted by his latest letter because I'd watched the caucuses last night too. And I am also happy that the red state Iowa seems to turn blue.

Give what people want. That sounds democracy.

I am really shocked by the fact that USA is sooooo way behind the other developed countries or so-called the third-world countries or Taiwan in health care.
I am really saddened by the stories of American citizens going bankrupt and death for not being able to pay medical bills.
I am really determined not to apply for US citizenship or to raise a family in the States until the health care is universal in this country.

Give what people want. However, educate people well and provide correct information before letting people pick what they want. This is true democracy.

As the British professor said in Sicko (the below video is actually longer than the edited version in Sicko), some governments do not like well-educated people and prefer to terrify people. Because the educated are difficult to control. Because the terrified usually helplessly follow whatever they are told. This view is consistent with what Michael Moore is proposing in Bowling for Columbine (which remains my favorite of his films).

Now Sicko can only be seen on DVD in the States (I believe). Please watch the features too or you can click here to see 30 seconds of each extra and find it on YouTube. See which country beats France in health care! I wish I could apply for the citizenship in Norway if I could ever learn how to speak Norwegian.

And more upsetting stories are told in the features. Those poor people.
The poor have no right to get sick or injured in the States. American dream is just a dream way too good to be true.

But my hope is up for the US.
Although I have no right to vote here, I have paid some attention to the presidential candidates, especially Obama and Clinton. I personally prefer Obama.
Both of them belong to the same blue party (which is the classy color of mine). Policy-wise, I don't see much difference between the two. I prefer Obama simply because the feeling he gives. He is sincere, honest, confident, humble, knowledgeable, sensible, humorous, and hope-providing.
I feel he is the one who can really make bad to good in the US.
Bring the troop back home.
Build up the universal health care system.
Slow down the climate change.
Make education affordable.
I'm not saying that the other democrats are against the above. I'm saying that Obama is the one who may actually do the above -- as we Taiwanese say: those election checks will not bounced back.

I admit my little knowledge in politics. But I know many Americans know less than me about what is good for them. They should watch Michael Moore's films. They should watch Colbert Report. They should read newspapers. They should travel around their country and if possible to other countries. They should learn to know what is good for them and pick a leader who can lead them to what is good for them.
Vote for a blue candidate, Americans.

Michael Moore is not God. He is a man who knows how to tell and spread stories to people need to know the stories.
Al Core isn't, either. He is a man who worries about us and the next generations on earth.
Colbert Report is a comedian news, which is a great funny way to obtain news.
Listening to these people is not following what they say, but learning things from other angles. I found many Americans very conservative and uptight about their mind. Open up, people.

As to the presidential election in Taiwan this year, I wish it a happy blue year too :)
I have voted green before. But President Chen's administration is trying to make Chen a tyrant. He is humiliating what he had been fighting for and what we Taiwan have become. His party does not deserve another presidential term.

Happy Blue 2008
Stay Healthy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Health care and education is always the first depts that lose fundings when anything happens, especially now because of what's been going on with the Bush administration.

Not only health care is behind, so is education. In school where I intern, kids can vote, join the military and kill, but not able to read the Sunday papers. They vote for "family value" and a campaign of "God blessed be", but have no idea what the government is doing to them. I am frustrated.

Sigh. I really don't know who to blame anymore. As an educator, I can only do my best, and hope that my best is at least good enough for one student at a time.

As for President Chen - he can go dip shit.