
May 8, 2007


I do not have a lucky number or a favorite number.
I do not think it is some necessary trait for me.

A minute ago, I was writing my new address. My new apartment number is 7.

Really? I asked myself. I hesitated before pressing the key 7.
The place I am staying has the number 7.
The place my car is sleeping every night has the number 7, too.
(My parking spot is totally not associated to my landlord.)

I checked and confirmed that yes, 7 is the number.

Oh, my cell phone number contains three 7's too.

Humans are fascinated by a series of coincidence.
I am happy to confirm that I have this human characteristic.
(Me, nodding)

1 comment:

Barbara said...

There are meaningful coincidences and coincidences that mean nothing at all, no matter how hard you twist them... the number 7 is, in numerology, quite a special and magic number.