
October 21, 2008

bungbung episode

Bungbung is getting weird.
He and I have bad times and good times. Recently he has been doing something weird. Actually this is not the first time he shows his attitude. When it happened for the first time, it lasted for three days. This time is longer than three days.
He randomly responds to electronic commands for locking the door on the driver side, which is my side. There are three electronic commands for the same outcome (door locking): 1) pressing the lock button on the remote key, 2) pressing the lock button on the door, and 3) once the car runs faster than 8 mph, it automatically locks itself. For two or three weeks, Bungbung refused to follow any of those commands--- only on the driver side. I had to manually lock it, which is very annoying and makes me paranoid.
Last weekend, Liu drove it. It locked itself by all the three commands mentioned above. I was not happy about it.

So not fair. I am your master, boy. What's your problem?
Your behavior is not rational and just emphasizes that you're a gay boy, which I've known because that is the sexual identity I assigned to you while naming you.

Kim said it is all because I named him and talk to him.
So? Guys call their cars wives. Why can't I name it? In English, cars should be female. But Bungbung is not English. By all means, he is German.

I should take him back to the dealer and re-set the electronic circuit. That's what the dealer always does: re-set the circuit, and everything is fine. But I am too busy to spend an entire morning just for re-setting the loop. I am going to wait for the next oil change and do them at once.

He responded to me yesterday. He locked to all the three commands.
You're tired of giving me attitude? Or the weather makes you want to lock out all the cold air?
Try me. It's ok. I love you anyway.

When something random happens, people prefer to believe that it happens for a selective reason. Such as miracle. Such as Bungbung actually listens to me.
People prefer to take things personally.

Oh, relax. It is nothing personal. Don't get offended so easily. Bungbung's nerve system is functioning but a bit abnormal. It can be fixed.

Exactly. I not only talk to my car but also talk to myself. I hide this trait pretty well, I believe.
Everyone should learn how to talk to themselves. This is a good exercise for allowing yourself some time to think things over from an outsider's point of view.
I have started talking to myself in my head since 5 years old. At first, I talked to myself when daydreaming. I daydreamed a lot because I had to walk 30 minutes to school, and because I had to tell myself bedtime stories at 9 o'clock every night. When I was 10, I started to use English. Mama spoke in fluent English when she was drunk. So I thought it was cool to speak English like an adult.
Then I found my daydreams and my thoughts getting more and more negative and upset --- all teenagers like to think that they can foresee sad things to happen and pre-experience all the horrible things in life. So I started listening to music distracting my mind from being depressed. See? I was able to monitor the down trend of my psychological life. This is called the logical mind. Sometimes I am pretty amazed by how my mind works. And proud of myself.

Alright. Enough of self-pride. Sweet-talking to him obviously, theoretically, and as-matter-of-fact-ly is not working.
Bungbung will eat my money again to get better. Oh well... [shaking my head]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I was to name anything of mine "gay, moody, and random"... it'd probably be my toilet. Moody cars are too dangerous.