pair up and die
As I put in a previous entry, why I like Spiderman so much is because I felt butterfly-like kind of thing as seeing him swinging in Manhattan, which indicates that I want to be Spiderman.
I like movies of Batman but I don't want to be Batman. He is not very likable. Personally I prefer not to be close to him.
I like Ironman as a friend. I want to be his pal but don't want to be him.
I never like any female superhero. I like cats. But I don't like Catwoman. Elektra is basically an awful movie so that I have no memory about the character at all. But I remember what happened that night vividly. Oh... that was a winter night. I was in my car and realized how ridiculous my behavior was. I was not the driver, by the way. The driver, after that night, has disappeared from my life because I was awakened by this awful movie, which by coincidence matched the awfulness of that period of time. Now I am deviating too far from the topic.
I like Hancock. He can fly. He has a dry sense of humor that somehow makes me laugh. I fall for anyone who makes me laugh easily. I almost decided that I wanted to be him in the middle of the movie. But WOW, Mary showed her supernatural ability. I want to be her!
I buy the story totally. They were made as a pair long long long ago before time. There were many of their kind. But all of them (except for Hancock and Mary) had paired up and died.
Oh... when Mary said that line "paired up and died", my heart melted. How corny and true. This is what I want eventually: pair up with my man and die with him at the end. Super power is just something nice but not essential.
However, the world they lived needed them, at least Hancock. They must not pair up and die in the movie. They had to separate. Hancock lived a loner superhero life, and Mary temporarily lived a normal life with her lover. She would live forever anyway until Hancock was allowed to retire. What a great deal for Mary :)
I want to be Mary, who can fly, is physically stronger than Hancock, and has sweet smile with a hot body. But I don't want to be named Mary.
Toughness will be gone when two right people pair up.
After years of dating, one thinks that she will never take off her toughness, and that her appearance will never be softened. Luckily, things usually don't go as one expects. It is just that it will take more efforts to melt down the mask.
How many times does it take to break the heart totally? There is no answer for that. Even a major heartbroken event will not guarantee an end to the possibility of falling in love again.
Keep breathing. Crying is ok. Take as much time as you need. When love comes, don't hesitate. Well... hesitation is hard to overcome. This is the only drawback of heartbroken experience. She is so afraid of falling. Again. She is so cautious and analyzing all the "signs" and rehearsing lines to say and suppressing spontaneous reactions to the other person.
What if... should I.... or.....? Questions after questions are running in her head. Thinking too much can easily misinterpret the heart beat. But she can't just go for it. History can repeat. Experience predicts the future.
So I say a decision in a relationship needs some compulsion. You really want to pair up NOW?
One thing I feel difficult for Mary is that she lives long. She has to suppress the need of getting close to Hancock. The time is not right yet. Ending is not there yet. So they can't be happy yet. Happy ending is not easy to earn. Such is life.
Sometimes you meet someone, you are like "Darn, why can't he show up later in my life? Later when I am allowed to settle down and when he can too."
The story about the night of Elektra is about a heartbroken man and me. His broken heart made him hesitated too much, and I lost my patience. I let him go without regret. THIS was a happy ending as I see it.
Here's the SUPERHERO!! :P
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