
December 18, 2009

生日 birthday 願望 wish

十天後我要過三十歲生日了, 而七天後是我的農曆生日, 今年剛好遇上聖誕節.
Ten days from today, I'm turning 30. In fa
ct, seven days from today, it will be my birthday according to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, and it happens to be the Christmas Day this year.

For this special birthday, I would like to make a special wish.

I wish you will give me a special birthday present.

If you read English, please scroll down, read the English part of this entry, and I will tell you how to give me the special present.

小時候我從來沒有想要當醫生的理想, 我覺得那是一個被壓榨的工作, 每天工作時數超長, 賺得錢都是家人享受, 新聞又愛大肆報導過勞死, 醫生的小孩又往往被形容成富家紈絝子弟, 有掏金夢的無腦女人常把 “嫁給醫生“ 當成她們的生活目標. 所以我一直認為有理想有愛心的醫生大概入行沒幾年就失去了熱誠了, 而醫生不過就是一個用生命換取貪婪目的的職業.
直到我看到無國界醫生的新聞, 我非常感動, 在這樣功利主義和美式資本主義為主流的時代, 有這樣一群醫療人員願意到沒有經濟報酬的地區, 救護一群沒有醫療資源甚至教育資源的人.

台灣常常有國外慈善團體的報導, 台灣也常常捐助國外的困苦老百姓, 非洲人尤其是台灣的捐助對象,像是飢餓三十, 認養貧童, 農業教育之類的. 可是台灣境內困苦的人呢? 是誰在照顧? 一定是有的, 但是媒體曝光率不高, 代表性的慈善團體常常給我過度企業化經營的負面印象. 而個人行為的慈善更是沒有曝光率, 不太容易激起群體的共相善舉.

兩年前我回台灣時看到商業周刊報導台灣路竹會, 創始人也是會長的劉啟群牙醫師參與過無國界醫生的義診, 他從 1995 起開始帶領醫療隊到山區偏遠地區去幫我們自己台灣人, 我鼓勵麻嗎去當義工,麻嗎真的有去報名,但是後來因為去出差所以沒跟著去. 如果你願意, 他們的網站上有說明如何報名, 沒有醫療背景的人也可以去幫忙的.


帳號:19487090 註:此捐款方式,路竹會需支付郵局手續費

銀行:永豐銀行 新店分行
帳號: 141-001-00120-867

捐款服務電話:(02)-86-67-67-00 信箱:

如果你想要把禮物給我,由我來捐, 請點一下這個氣球:

然後祝我生日快樂囉 :)

Although I had read biography of Dr. Albert Schweitzer at the age of 8, being a medical doctor was never on my to-do list. I had not much respect for medical doctors. On TV news, these people worked to death and died with too much money for their spouses and children. Their life quality did not seem to meet my criteria of being satisfying. Women chased after them for their money. They had affairs with young ladies because they were rich. Their children were kidnapped because they were rich. It seemed to me that the positive image of physicians or surgeons was great wealth, but the negative image was also related to their wealth.

These images kinda changed when I read about Doctors Without Boarders on newspapers. I was quite impressed by those healthcare givers, going to people in need instead of waiting for people to ask for help. These doctors, nurses, therapists, pharmacists, aides, and all provided cares and examinations that I took for granted in Taiwan.

I did not think much about Doctors Without Boarders until 2007 when I read an extensive story on Taiwan Root Medical Peace Corps. This group was founded in 1995 by a dentist Dr. Chi-Chun Liu who had participated in Doctors Without Boarders. I was so moved by the story that I encouraged my mom to volunteer. I would have volunteered if I spent more time during my annual visit home.

Dr. Liu was awarded the Gusi Peace Prize just last month! I found this news when researching for material for this entry. I also found a news report released my birthday 2007 about the Taiwan Root Medical Corps' service in India.

Let's get back to the original topic: my birthday wish. I wish you will give me a special gift by donating money to Taiwan Root Medical Peace Corps or Doctors Without Boarders.

For people who read Chinese or live in Taiwan, I recommend you follow the Chinese instructions provided at the Chinese part of this entry. For people who read English or hold a credit card issued by countries other than Taiwan, please go to their English webpage. You will find a PayPal donation column on your right hand side.

For donating to Doctors Without Boarders, you can go their donation webpage and find out which method you prefer to make a donation.

Alternatively, if you prefer to give me the present and let me make the donation, you are welcome to click the following balloon.

Next, wish me happy birthday :)

1 comment:

Ting 2 said...
