to americans
(I also wrote a less-subjective article titled "Proof of God's existence and rational thinking" on Helium)
What is God?
God is a concept that there is a power so great that it governs everything in the universe and even beyond the universe (where no human can imagine).
What are Gods?
Gods are characters that exist with everything else in the universe, and somehow they have greater ability than humans to control their existence and surroundings.
What is a belief?
A belief is a subjectively strong idea that is not necessarily supported by any physical or concrete evidence.
I do not believe in the idea that there is only one God. I do not really believe in Gods either. However, if there must be super-nature powers, I will believe in Gods.
Why? My reason is the same reason for people who believe in the one God. It is purely a belief.
I am ok that there are people who do not agree with me. It is totally acceptable.
I respect religions that promote humanity, goodness, and tolerance.
I respect European Christians but not American Christians, because the latter does not promote humanity, goodness, and tolerance. American Christians are not ok that there are people who do not agree with them. Why can’t they loosen up?
American Christians think they can rule everything, which is also similar to some other religious groups. I am fine with it.
American Christians think they are so empowered by God that they are so superior to anyone else that they are isolated in their narrow-minded little universe called Heaven. This is unique to most other religious groups. This convinces me that I am not going to be one of them in my life time.
I had a friend until he said that he felt sorry for me because I would not go to heaven. I am happy to be any where except for the place he called heaven with him.
This same ex-friend also said that only Christians would do something selfless for nothing in return, while non-Christians always ask for something in return before committing to charities. I was shocked by this remark. Who instilled this idea into his scientific Ph.D. head? I was speechless and hoped that he could seek for help from a clinical psychologist. (As a cognitive psychologist, all I could do is not to talk to him anymore.)
In my opinion, all the conservative Christian leaders in the
However, Christians do not have to deny scientific research in order to embrace this belief. They can simply adjust the belief to the version that God creates humans by first creating the universe that contains the earth that serves the nourishing crib for all the creatures, one of which evolved into the species of humans.
Why is this revision so difficult?
Because American Christians are not flexible.
If they are not flexible, why do they stop believing that the earth is flat and square, and that the sun goes around the earth?
They can be flexible, but they are too arrogant and too embarrassed to revise their thoughts to fit the fact.
Using Colbert’s word, they believe in the truthiness instead of the truth.
Why can’t they happily live their lives and stop bothering other people who are happily living their lives? American Christians are judgmental in the worst way of its kind. If someone does something that violates their belief, they will try their best to condemn and eliminate those people. They are like Nazi.
I accept the fact that there are so many different religions, including Christianity, in the world.
What is not ok is the fact that the state and the church never are independent in the U.S. Church influences politics in such a great way that there is no freedom left if a citizen chooses not to believe in God or follow the most strict dogmas.
It has nothing to do with religion. Two people get married and build a family, which is totally their decision and their personal affair.
For Christians, God gives permission for two people to be married. A messenger passes God’s permission and announces that two people are husband and wife.
I am not offended by the fact that conservative Christians do not approve same-sex marriages. I respect their belief. Any church can refuse to host a wedding for whatever reasons.
A marriage license issued by government, under this logic, should have nothing to do with religion. A government is not a church. God does not talk to people via a civil court.
Hence, I am offended that Christians do not respect my belief that any two people can get married if they want to, and if they want it to happen in any places other than a church.
And I am angry at the fact that the government does not approve same-sex marriages for religious reasons.
Why is the government following the definition of marriage that defined by conservative churches? Why is the government not following the definition of marriage that benefits all of its citizens including people who are not Christians?
American Christians are bullies. They beat anyone who does not follow their lead. They are not ignorant, but they are too arrogant to admit their mistakes, and thus they stick to their mistakes even more.
They demand respect from people whom they show no respect to.
There are American Christians who are much more liberal than ones that I described above. But they are so under-represented. Their voice is not heard. They are bullied. They do not want to degrade themselves to the conservatives’ level.
This makes me sad. Radical Christians are making the world into a huge war zone. They are not peace-makers. They want the world homogeneous in an artificial way.
Peace-makers and peace-keepers are desperately needed now. Different points of views and human populations should be acknowledged and not denied. Bullies have to be stopped.
I am asking you – sensible, liberal and educated Americans – to vote.
I am asking you to vote for an American who is not conservative or radical Christian. I am asking you to elect someone who understands the importance of separating church and state.
The fact that Americans are globally influential cannot be ignored.
The leaders in the
Did you see “The Education of Shelby Knox” or “The God Who Wasn’t There”?
If so, tell me if there is any documentary out there that can change my view on American Christians.
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