
December 26, 2006


「你已經死了!」我對著他說,「怎麼還在這裡?我朋友等一下就來了,」他無動於衷,坐在藤長椅上,炯炯有神的看著我,「爺爺,你至少應該是…. 很虛弱的吧。」
這是這半年來第 N 次了,屏東爺爺一再地出現在我夢裡。


屏東爺爺在 1998 年的八月過世了。



早上的時光通常就是我待在三樓的房間裡做白日夢和寫暑假作業。嗯… 大部分是在做白日夢,我窩在被單裡想像著自己的童話故事。爺爺通常在客廳裡看平劇或是華視莒光日節目,有時他會坐在門外吹風,跟路過的鄰居台槓。




屏東爺爺教我下象棋,二姑姑教我下跳棋和圍棋和玩大富翁。我喜歡表哥表姊也來屏東陪爺爺的幾個夏天,我可以玩大富翁很多次,可以不用一個人去公園玩,可以搶著最好吃的 yakimo,雖然他們喜歡講鬼故事嚇我,雖然我不喜歡表姊的紙娃娃。

我不喜歡屏東爺爺家,尤其是他的房間,因為牆上掛著很多相片:爺爺年輕時候的相片、爸爸當兵時的相片、麻嗎的婚紗照、漢漢的成名照(我弟弟最傑出的獨照,那是他還不會走路前,坐在溪頭賓館裡紅色沙發上,白白胖胖的臉和紅紅的小嘴),當然還有其他照片,不過我不記得了。我不喜歡房間裡有任何相片或是任何娃娃,我害怕有臉的東西… (這是自閉症的症狀,幸好我從三歲開始就不斷的證明自己在公開場合很會說話,推翻了自閉症的可能性)。








December 14, 2006

THE month

December again.
Meaning I am going to start saying a new number when my age is asked for, as finally all my dear friends already added one to their previous age. They, dear they, had fun in Taiwan, celebrating the great month of the year. Ah, December. Ah, I miss those years in Taipei, with them.
At the meantime, one of my new friends, Patria threw her B-day party in Zola. Her birthday is the same day as one of my old friends, Yellow. See? No matter where I am, I always meet someone alike, someone I like, someone who has the same birthday as someone.

Passion does not die as you get older. Passion simply changes.
Personality does not just change. Some aspects of it may fade away, and others may simply get stronger.

I am so in love with Tango or the so-called Argentine Tango, which is getting more and more popular in the United States, and very popular in Germany and France (according to my European friends who are also so in love with Tango.) The more I learn it, the more judgmental I have become. Yes, I love it and enjoy it and hate it when it is ruined by bad dancers or stupid ideas about how to learn it. OK, yes I am judgmental, honestly and frankly.
You go to and search for the key word “Tango”, and you’ll see how beautiful the dance is. One video name kinda caught my attention and immediately made me frown at it. The video was titled “tango lesson”. Oh come on, how can you learn to tango by watching a video? By watching a performance video? By watching a video taken in a tango lesson without verbal instruction and emphases? By watching a video that does not show how leaders lead by their chest?
A guy, whose name I do not want to reveal because he does not read my blog anyway, started learn how to tango several months ago. I like his enthusiasm but I do not like to dance with him. He gives no connection at all and thus hard to follow. I am fine with it because no matter what he is a beginner and I know how hard to be a leader in tango. What I cannot stand is the fact that he is teaching total beginners how to tango. I mean, are you kidding me? This person should take beginner lessons all over again himself.
This kind of things really annoy me. The Chinese saying is 誤人子弟 (Wrong education to others’ children), which is unethical. No wonder why most total beginners do not come back for more advanced lessons or are not triggered for more interest in tango.
There are of course bad followers too as I am learning how to be a leader. Dancing with different followers, I recognize how a bad follower can be. A gal, whose name I do not want to reveal for the same reason, always did something I did not lead her into. I was sure I did not change where my chest was facing, but she followed as turning and crossing her leg and maybe some more fancy stuff. Hush, woman. Listen to me, I am the leader.

I am not in love with politics. I think I will never be. Why? Because the ugly political environment in Taiwan. Ugly because many politics-unrelated issues can be soooo easily politicized. For example, evidence for “I love Taiwan” or against it. If the wife of Mr. President’s son does not have the baby in Taiwan, then it means that Mr. President will have a grandson who possesses double nationalities, or in other words, the grandson of Mr. President will be American. So what, I mean, really so what? It does not mean that this baby is not Taiwanese. It means, really, nothing. Nothing at all. Thousands of graduate students who study abroad also have a family in the country where they are studying. However, some stupid heads say “If she does not come back to Taiwan to have the child, then it means that she does not love Taiwan, meaning that her husband allows her to do that, meaning that her husband does not love Taiwan, meaning that Mr. President does not care whether his grandson is American, meaning that Mr. President does not love Taiwan, either.” Oh my god, what a crime. Poor the little wife is forced to get on the plane with an 8-month pregnant belly, flying home just to prevent her father-in-law from being judged as unpatriotic.
My reaction is WTF. Alright, Mr. President Chen has done something very wrong, and personally if I were in Taiwan during those days of the anti-bian movement, I might have donated my money and effort to ask for his resignation. Nevertheless, you cannot mix one issue with another. Not a single politician does not love Taiwan. All the social activities or movements are act of loving the country. The problem is that many simple behaviors are interpreted as being unpatriotic out of unreasonable reasons.
Well, politics in other countries are not better than Taiwan, either. By law, Americans who were not born in America cannot be the President. Give me a reason for this. The place one was born is so irrelevant.

I like wine and beer, especially when friends are educating me how to differentiate good from bad. But I cannot have much because I cannot digest alcohol. Yeah, this really sucks. It prevents me from having more than half a glass. It also prevents me from being drunk. Being drunk is not my fantasy anyway.
Car accidents are horrible. Judy’s mom got serious injured. Some undergrads in State College got killed.
Recently, several independent car accidents caused by DUI killed people. One case was that a drunk underage undergrad was almost killed by a drunk undergrad driver. The police was looking for the person who provided alcohol to the injured underage.
WTF again for me.
The person who provided alcohol to an 18-year-old adult is going to be punished. As if the 18-year-old had no brain or did not know the fact that he was not allowed to drink by law.
In Psychology experiments, we define a 18-year-old as an adult who can make his/her own decision, and therefore they can come to participate in our experiments without asking for their parents’ permission. In many legal practices, 18-year-olds are totally responsible for themselves.
How come drinking is so restricted? If something is taboo, something will happen even more often or to a more unreasonable degree.
For example, pornography is not legal in Taiwan but everyone that I know in Taiwan has seen it. Yes, me too. Everyone talks about it without a second thought in most casual social settings. Here in the States, porn is legal, but no one talks about it (perhaps Pennsylvania is not very liberal, but a college town usually is considered very liberal. So you can imagine how conservative it can be in most areas of America). Asian culture in general does not encourage sexual things in any contexts, but we are not afraid of talking about it or having intimate physical contacts in a supposed-to-be-sexy situation like dancing tango. Asians and Europeans drink various alcohols in various events, including family, friends, formal, and informal. It is not a taboo, and we are not crazy about getting wasted as being fun. Why do some young Americans set getting drunk as the goal of drinking?
Setting 21-yr-old as the legal age to drink is just amazing and puzzling for me. They waited and waited, and finally they are allowed to drink, and they lose control. They do not know how to appreciate high-quality alcohol or how to appreciate a party by being sober.

“There is not a country that is not partially fucked up.” Marc said. France has problems too. By law, a worker cannot work more than 35 hours a week, and the minimum salary is about 8 euro per hour. No wonder their industry is not able to catch up with many developed countries.
Many policies in different countries have been overdone.
Germany, according to Zabeth, has problems too. A new wave of racism is starting from the young generation. It is like a new version of Nazi that being blonde and blue-eyed is superior to others. Who on earth started this narrow-minded and totally illogical idea? Sophie is worried if Bryan can live in Germany because he looks too Mexican.

Having lived for one more year means that I have known something more and something new, and the result is I have become more and more judgmental. The things that I do feel happy about are things so purely joyful.

I like the air after snowing.
I like the tears when watching a great movie.
I like the sweat after practicing yoga.
I like the laughter when Marc & Zabeth hear my baby voice.
The 26th year of my life is going to pass. Thank you, mama, for giving me such a great life.
Thank you, all my dear friends, for enriching my life.
Thank you, all the annoying incidents around me and around the world, for letting me know myself even better.
Yes, I am judgmental.

November 1, 2006

mind or computer?

I was very disappointed in the annual meetings of Society for Neuroscience (a.k.a. SfN). I like neuroscientists who know what they are doing and try to explain what is going on in the brain. I do not like neuroscientists who think they know what they are doing and provide something useless to the universe of understanding human mind.
A typical useless report is like this: Oh, I scanned people while they were doing so and so tasks. And then bang! I found some and some brain areas activated. Those areas must be involved in performing the task.
I am like: so what?
Your people were alive and of course some of their brain areas were more active than others. But what does it mean?
Can you please tell me, based on your colorful neuroscientific images or data, what does attention mean? What does attention do? How does attention affect other mental functions? What can affect attention?
One presenter even used a task that did not related to attention and said it was an attentional task.

Now I know why only a very few people of cognitive psychology go to SfN. Five good posters among thousands and two good talk sessions among half hundred were totally not worthy for the pricey registration fee, flight tickets, and hotel room rates. At least I met people I had wanted to meet. At least I danced tango and disco.

A good neuroscientific study on mind has to start with psychological theories! This is such a basic starter.
Neuroscientific methods are just methods to understand mind. Neuroscience itself cannot be the answer. Many many questions cannot be answered by knowing neural circuits. And there are limitations for each so-called neuroscientific methods, which can only provide indirect hints. Sometimes I want to ask those people who believe neuroscience is the only way to study mind: What do you think mind is?

I wish I could answer how mind works by looking at my data. Oh I wish.

I did my first-year graduate study with eletrocephalography (EEG). This equipment detects and records brain waves from scalp. I mean, electrodes are attached to the scalp. The spatial resolution is coarse but the temporal resolution is great. That is, I can sample signals very very fast like almost online.
BUT that does not mean I can read someone's mind or brain. That just means if there is anything detectable, I can see it right after some brain activity has occurred.
(I cannot stand people who look at me and are afraid that I will read their mind. All I can read is: what a moron.)
What I want to say is: EEG research is not an easy thing to do. After my first-year project, I thought I would not touch it again.

Earlier this year, Michael the professor bought a high-density EEG system, which has 128 channels or electrodes. At that time, I was struggling what I could do for my dissertation. Toby suggested me to use that machine to test two theories on visual attention. I accepted the suggestion and got my proposal approved and started the looooooooong process of getting it done.
I had my IRB number (a number you need for running any experiment) way early in March.
Rick and Lyndsey worked on how to use Matlab to talk to Net Station, which took them the whole summer.
Programming is not easy, especially for people like us who are not full-time computer programmers. Net Station is the software of the EEG machine, which is operated in Mac. I insisted to use Matlab because my other experiments in the same project were in Matlab. Net Station by default is communicating in another language "E-Prime" which is not optimal for my research purpose. Anyway, Rick and Lyndsey figured out how to synchronize stimulus presentation on PC (the experiment stuff in front of my participants) and data recording on Mac.

Finally I thought everything was okay. I started to run pilots. See, there is an "s" after the word "pilot".
I thought one pilot was enough to see all the problems and to fix all the flaws. It turned out that I ran 3 pilots. Each time I found something unpleasant and fixed it. Those "something" were all about the hardware and software of computers. Computers are evil.
I learned that I should turn on three different machines in an exact order, otherwise I would need to restart all machines.
I learned that some commands in Matlab crashed Net Station.
I learned that the Mac hated me.

Seriously, the Mac could sense me that I am a PC user, so it failed on me from time to time with no sensible reason at all. Hey, I am a scientist. I have evidence for this hatred. Three incidences:

1. After my pilot study, I was nervous and tried to get things right, so I was being careful and prepared, so I went to the EEG lab earlier than usual to test the code. After clicking on the icon of Net Station, the software was initiated but the amplifier (for enhancing EEG signals) could not be detected or connected. I checked all the cables and connections, and nothing looked wrong. I restarted the machine, and the same error message was displayed. My hand started to get sweaty and my heart was jumping very fast. I went to Justin the lab manager for help. He came and touched cables and connections. Yes, he just touched them and did not change anything. Boom, things worked again. The Mac simply needed Justin's touch and did not want mine.

2. Then I collected data in a pretty smooth way. Zabeth helped me to apply the electrode net on participants. All participants were able to finish the experiment and followed the instruction. Zabeth became my perfect EEG partner and I was happy with Net Station so far. One day, my tenth participant with a nice short-haired head came, and in a very short time the net was applied on this person. But I could not initiate Net Station at all. Tried for 30 minutes and I let the participant go with 12 dollars and no data. The next day, I asked for Justin the lab manager's help again. He touched the machine and all, but this time touching did not work. He logged in with his account, and Net Station worked. What???? It turned out that Net Station only worked with his account but not with anyone else's account, not even the admin's account. The Mac simply rejected everyone but Justin.

3. Finally the data collection was over. I spent 30 to 40 hours to extract event-related potentials (ERPs) in order to analyze what was going on in people's head when attention was located on something. It was very time-consuming and stressing and depressing. I could not sleep well and all the time I had waves in front of my eyes. "What does that mean? Why was it like that?" I kept asking myself everyday in the past week. I figured out why my data was weird (because of the Matlab code). I was happy that the data eventually appeared normal (because my participants were normal people) and I did not have to re-do experiments. One morning, I went to the EEG lab and wanted to look at my data once again. The Mac could not be logged in! It stayed at the login image and the cursor remained wheeling and I could not see my data!!!!! I almost had heart attack. I did not back up my data the other day because my mobile hard drive was full. Restarting several times, trying out several possibilities, the Mac refused to be logged in. 30 minutes later, I wrote Justin a long message. Just before leaving the lab, I tried one last time. It worked. The Mac suddenly decided to let me in. It really had a great time playing with me.

See? The Mac is evil.
I cannot understand computers.
To understand it, you may tear a computer open and see all the circuits and chips. Or you can grill the designer, the programmer, and the saleman to understand it. But the question is: Can you?
Can you really understand a computer and stop it from failing on me?

Can you understand mind by seeing brain?

The ERP waveforms are my data, which I am proud of.
The participant's eyes are protected in this picture. I think Marc would not mind.

October 27, 2006



但是身為一個非美國人,我能夠從美國機構申請的 postdoc fellowship 少之又少,少到像是一種傳說。而身為一個台灣人,我能夠從台灣機構申請的 postdoc fellowship 是斬釘截鐵的零。
所以就要尋找哪些教授已經有研究經費而且有餘錢可以養我的,email 已經寄遍了所有刊登徵人廣告的相關實驗室,也寄遍了所有我想得到找得到的教授去詢問他們有沒有 postdoc 的空缺,乞討著一點回音。
上個禮拜在亞特蘭大跟一個可能會雇用我的教授會面,下個月我要去休士頓,希望可以更有效的跟全世界傳達「我需要當 postdoc」的訊息。
我甚至在一個 milonga 前夕,情緒決堤,差點沒去跳舞。

EEG 實驗很費時費力,這回我幾乎完全獨立作業不依靠 Toby,新的儀器新的技術新的問題新的習慣,花了很長一段時間去適應,去讓所有的程序流暢的動起來。
從四月到九月可以說是發展階段, Lyndsey 和 Rick 寫了 Matlab 的程式,讓我可以繼續用PC 的 Matlab控制我的實驗,而且傳送指令給 Mac 那端的 Net Station。四、五月間, Zabeth 和我受訓兩個禮拜,來熟悉 EEG 實驗的前序作業。
以為一切就緒,開始的三個受試者完全就是在測試 Net Station、Matlab 和我的自信心。
不過後來十二個受試者在 Zabeth 的幫忙之下,完成的還算順利。一個受試者花我兩個小時又 24 塊錢。
這套 EEG 軟體實在是不知道該愛它還是該恨它….
然後….. 我盯著那個部分….. 一波接著一波,劃在螢幕上,比天書還難解。
Toby 試著安慰我,說我找到新的東西,所以我測試的理論都不成立,所以我可以提出一個新的理論。

Marc 跟我的處境差不多,加上他的危機感比我重,至少我的出路是明確的是學術研究(雖然我可能要轉行或是先教一陣子書),他的目標卻非常不清楚,而他又急於找到目標。

可能是今天我發現那可惡的 EEG 軟體擺了我一道,明天我應該可以重新分析數據,把天書變成無言易懂的漫畫書。
可能是這些天 Marc 交出了一份手稿,他逗我開心的時間多了。


October 12, 2006

something pink

I do not like the color pink.
This is just a simple fact, requiring no reasons. It is natural for me not to like that color. There is no bad childhood traumatizing experience related to pink. It simply is not my favorite color.
I was very mean in high school. It was a girl school. Girls in that age usually liked pink, and so did most of my classmates. Once I yelled at a classmate because she was in a pink dress. (Even now thinking back and imagining that dress gives me goose bumps.) "How can you wear that disgusting color!?"
A company tried to offer me a job by saying "If you can bring the company some number of new costomers, you will be rewarded a pink toyota." I immediately rejected the offer.

Now I am a much nicer person. I understand that people have feelings. I do not just yell at anyone in pink. I do not just yell at anyone in pajamas outside their home. I do not just lecture anyone who eats cookies with trans fat. I do not just lecture anyone who takes an elevator from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor.
I smile and shake my head in my head, sighing "People!"

A saying in English expresses something so obvious but eveyone ignores it. It is "pink elephant" or "elephant in the room".
I see that elephant everyday.
I see that pink elephant e-ve-ry-day.
Do you know how this feels? It is like I see a real huge PINK image which would hurt my eye. I am so hurt that I cannot bring myself up to speak my mind. I cannot even shake my head in my head. I just have to turn away and not look at her.

Lyndsey and I came to Penn State at the same time. We have shared the office for more than 4 years. She is a very nice and smart person.
I admired her in the first year. She did a great job losing weight by eating so little for 12 months straight. I was hoping to see a great real-life example of the weight-watcher commercial. She was so confident and sharp and knowing her goals.
But she started doing things not very smart. She became a woman that she had not liked.

I liked her when she wanted to be fit. She gave it up when falling in love. Because her boyfriend (now husband) did not care about her body image. But losing weight is a good thing for herself, not for any other person. I was disappointed that she admitted her purpose of losing weight. She became even bigger. She stopped exercising. She panted after just walking a little section in the hallway.
It is unbearable that I am not brave enough to yell at her and witness her health condition getting worse.

She is expecting a baby next March.
Honestly, I do not think it is a good idea to have children at the same time as doing a PhD.
If I could go back in time, I would've told her:
Hey, dear Lyndsey, I am saying this as a caring friend. You should be very healthy before getting pregnant. You should know you can finacially support you and your family before getting pregnant. You should be more active. Walking more is not killing your feet. For your future and your baby, you need good health.

But I did not say it. I am not going to say it, either. How can I?
You are fat! You are too talkative!
No... I am not that mean teenager anymore.
It is too personal. I am not her best friend. I hope there is someone telling her the right thing.
I just do not get it. She is smart. She knows things. She should do her best for her baby and herself.

I am going to keep ignoring the pink elephant next to my desk.

October 3, 2006



餐廳的菜單裡,找不到玉米濃湯,不管是在 State College 這個小鎮還是在紐約那樣的大城市,沒有玉米濃湯。

有一天,Marc 問我晚上想吃什麼,問我想不想去吃泰國菜,我說我想去 the Corner Room(一個典型美國餐廳),因為我想吃他們的泰式沙拉。
美國的可麗餅就差很多了,不過 Marc 說在 State College 的那家賣的可麗餅,跟他媽媽做的感覺很像,有幾個口味是真的有法國的味道。
很多人經常問我,在 State College哪裡可以吃得到道地的中國菜,我說 Alex 的廚房。Alex 是我認識的朋友裡最會做飯的,可能跟湯哥和怡衿有拼,他們是那種我只要說得出菜名,他們就可以變得出來的人,不管是獅子頭、酸菜腰花、五更腸旺、無錫排骨、芋頭雞、牛肉麵、羊肉爐,還是波菜豆腐羹、粽子、餃子、包子,都可以在這個食材貧乏的小鎮徒手弄出好幾道吃了會想家的菜。接著我會說,鎮上至少有十家以上的中國餐廳,沒有一家是真的,或者只有一兩家的幾道菜是可以吃得出中國菜的味道。
美國人不僅發明了 fortune cookie 還發明了 duck sauce,然後硬要說是中國飲食文化的一部份,不過就是餐飲業者的小聰明,讓刻板印象更深入人心。

前幾天,Alex 做飯,幾個朋友在她家聚一聚。
Charles 還滿會拿筷子的,一下子右手,一下子換左手。
Alex 說 “You are so white!”
白人或者是美國人才會這樣換手,就好像很多人右手寫寫字,然後換到左手(反正哪一隻手寫都一樣醜)。Alex 說還有一件 so white 的事,只有白人會加醬油在白飯裡。
我通常沒有什麼禁忌,我唯一堅持的是:不可以把筷子插在碗裡。他們要換手拿筷子、手不就碗、吃飯的時候喝水、拿筷子敲碗、碗裡留飯粒,我都無所謂,但是就是不要給我把筷子插在碗裡。Marc 早就知道我有這個禁忌,他就喜歡鬧我,然後觸動我那根龜毛的神經,然後我會把他的筷子放在碗邊,反覆這樣的動作幾次之後,就會有人發問,那天唯二的非華人除了 Marc 還有 Charles,所以他就問啦,我就答啦,然後又開始一連串 “so is it allowed that I ….?” 的問題,好像我餐桌上的糾察隊一樣。
Alex 要我們開菜單,下回她就不用絞盡腦汁去想要做什麼菜,只要做就好了。

October 1, 2006


You know you're a tango junkie when....
You click the above link and read all sentences and laugh through lines and think "oh, those junkies"

Tango has changed my life. Yes, apart from yoga, the other thing makes me keep moving physically for more than 2 hours without intermission.
It has become a life style, being a tangoer. It has bigger impact than yoga on me because of the variety of music and the variety of dancers. AND I feel pretty, sexy, and confident when tangoing.
Yoga is good when I need peace and silence and being alone with a classroom of people.
Tango is good when I need human contact and escape from my frustrating research, and I find peace with another person flying on the dance floor.
I understand how to move my body better since practicing yoga. I understand how to feel with my whole body and respond with my whole body since dancing tango.

Marc has started dancing too.
Now he is not only sexy in the kitchen cooking but also sexy on the dance floor closely embracing me.

Why do we like what we like to do? Because those activities produce positive emotions in our head.
I am reading a great book "Our Inner Ape". I feel so warm and not alone on the earth. Humans are indeed different from other animals. But all different species are different among one another. So differences do not make one particular creature superior than others. I feel warm because this book describes similarities between humans, chimps, bonobos, other apes, moneys, elephants, dogs, and many many other primates (mostly chimps and bonobos, though) We as humans are not alone as a social, political, manipulative, sex-addictive, symbol-using, tool-making, pleasure-searching, friendship-holding, revenge-planning, or even more abstract, loving and hating animal.
We, as animals, do what we like to do is not because we want to have more and more offspring to pass our genes on and on.
We do what we like to do is simply we like eating crunchy cookies, watching movies, chatting with friends, reading novels, making love, taking hot baths, judging people on their back, wearing beautiful shoes, writing blogs, shoulderstanding, hiking, window shopping, drinking hot chocolate, making cute noices, and dancing.
We remember, as chimps, bononos, and elephants do too, episodes from long long time ago early in our life, and thus now we know who are our real friends and who are not; and faces of highschool friends and faces of elementary school bullies.
We celebrate life even we have an upset moment just several hours ago. We can still be cheered up by the most cheerful faces. (Like I frequently accidentally make Marc pinch my face and say so cute. His face of saying so cute to my face is so cheerful to me.)

If bonobos knew how to dance, they would've reduced the frequency of sex contact but started dancing this flirtatious dance. They would've tango in a less genderized way than humans. (Bononos have sex with everyone, same or different sex) In the world of humans, tango unfortunately is a sexist dance. Leaders are often males. A female do not get to dance until a leader comes to ask. Nowadays, in the US, in the circle of tango people are promoting both sexes should learn how to play both roles. I know many great female dancers can lead as well as follow. More and more guys are learning how to follow too.

I am learning how to lead for quite a while. Leading is very hard especially for me as a good follower (I am proud that I have this reputation on a dance floor).

Justin and I are offering a beginner tango class. It is very nice that from teaching I have learned a lot how to strengthen my own dancing basis and practiced a lot with different kinds of tango music.
But something is missing between Justin and I as dancing partners. It is the flirtation part. Even we danced so close that our upper bodies were touching all the time, I never felt sexually attracted.
When dancing from 11pm to 5am in Baltimore, I danced with many many different strangers. It did not matter how well they could dance. What mattered to a great dancing experience is the "connection" Tango is a heart-to-heart dance in terms of physical connection that literally I as a follower is lining up my heart postion to my leader's. In addition, the connection is also heart-to-heart in the sense of sexual chemistry or attraction. If the connection was good, I had a 5 to 10 minutes pure love affair with someone I didn't know the name and perhaps I would not see again. If the connection was bad, it was just a mechanical body movement looking like tango.
Justin is a gentleman, a nice guy who never says fuck in front of a lady (or female in general), a person who exercises proper manners everywhere. He rarely teases people in semi-offending ways. He smiles and says "have a great day" He is always trying his best to help and making best wishes to everyone.
He definitely is a good noble person. But being a tangoer, he should start trying different things as being a playboy.

Once I danced with Bryan. I could feel his inhalation into his lungs, transferring to my chest and my toes; his exhalation out of his noses and guided me to fly a long-legged step, inducing a involuntary gancho (my leg hooked to his leg or body). I couldn't help a pleasant sigh. It was such a nice feeling when the connection was that good. There was definitely some sex tension during those 3 minutes. But once the music stopped, he and I smiled at each other and said thankyou. Then I danced with Marc and he danced with Sophie.
Similar feelings to Charles too. Charles preferred to exploring different music or different dancing rhythm to old same classic tango music. I always felt excited when dancing with him. Tango is already a kind of dance without memorizing steps. Charles makes it even more challenging because of his playful and confident attitude. But he never made me feel challenged. He loved me when dancing with me. I felt being honored and protected and at the same time having fun. All the flirtatious touch, movements, and eye-staring were for the sake of an excellent dance, not for really sleeping with each other.

Justin and I are not tango beginners. We are intermediate beginners. Many things need to be learned. I need to learn how to be more aggressive to make my own non-led movement and at the same time even much more sensitive to follow the leader.

There are already so many unnessary taboos in life. Doing a number 2 and doing another person are on the top list. Tango and yoga is such a releaf from life of taboos. In yoga, I don't care about my own body image. I do not wear bras for example. In tango, I want to seduce my dance partner when dancing. I want him/her to get my message and return with flirtation by moving bodies so in sync that we are a part of music and we build up a little universe together and hold it intact for a few mimutes.

September 9, 2006



我辭去了社交舞社(Social Dance Club)的行政職務,開心的只管跳舞。



即使後來專心致力戲劇社,想跳舞的心還是在蠢蠢欲動,所以中途小小參與了熱舞社(熱門舞蹈社),認識了火辣的男男女女,發展了三四年的戀情,開始涉足所謂的「夜店」跳 hip-hop。

來到美國賓州的地理幾何中心的這個小小的鎮 State College,能讓我跳 hip-hop 或 techno disco的 dance club(「舞廳」實在不太像是適合的翻譯)只有一間,我又有莫名的「我應該要心無旁騖努力向學」的決心,連電視都沒有的過了一年,遙想身在台灣的親友,網頁瀏覽器的首頁依然是台灣奇摩雅虎,天天看中文新聞,偶爾租 DVD 躲在小小宿舍房間裡盯電腦螢幕。

2003 的夏天,我在 Late Night Penn State 探了路,學了 Salsa 基本步,開始去那唯一的 dance club – Players,心開了,開心了,社交圈裡漸漸的有非美國人、非華人。
2004 的五月,正式每個禮拜去參加國標社(Ballroom Dance Club,簡稱 BDC)的 Salsa 課,三個月下來,我不敢說我很會跳,但是可以說我的身體跟著心都開了。
去不同的城市旅遊,會特別尋找 Salsa dance club,愛上拉丁美洲的音樂,愛上拉丁美洲的男男女女,喜歡來學舞的每一個人,尤其是義大利人,拉丁的語言文化讓我一直把微笑掛在臉上,笑不停,幸福感從微笑蔓延到心裡。
2005 的一月,正式的每個禮拜去參加 BDC 的阿根廷探戈(簡稱 tango)的課。因為跳 Salsa,身體開竅了,tango 卻要我收斂。Salsa 像是練外功,tango 則是內功。
Tango 沒有舞步,只有一些原則,然後是全然的「憑感覺」,去感覺我的舞伴,去感覺音樂,tango is a heart-to-heart dance。
跳 Salsa 練出的自信是知道怎麼扭動身體是性感火辣的, tango 要的自信是出自內在延伸到每個細胞,又要讓舞伴可以感覺得到(因為舞伴通常是看不到我的,真的是其他感官的刺激),然後兩個人成為一個個體,follower(通常是女生)成為 leader (通常是男生)的延伸,一起舞動在舞池裡。
內功當然比外功難修練,五個月之後,我才敢說我已經脫離了初學者的階段,又五個月之後,我到了一個瓶頸,一個外功必須要追上內功的瓶頸。雖然說 tango 沒有基本舞步,但是有很多移動的方式需要柔韌力很強的腰力、腿力和控制體重中心的能力。開始跟段數高的 leader 跳舞,發覺我要練習的技巧還很多,突然回到初學者的挫折感。
那個秋天,Bryan 和 Sophie(我最喜歡的 tango dancers and teachers)跟BDC的行政階層不合,他們不滿社費的使用方式,不滿社長、副社長、各附屬團體(salsa、tango、competition group)負責人的產生方式,不滿許多社團利益相關的決議過程,他們要求 BDC公平公開,把所有程序透明化。經過幾個月的交涉,我也參與在某些討論會裡,Bryan & Sophie 決定離開 BDC。
學生跟著老師,不是跟著空殼的社團,所以當他們找人一起成立另一個社團 Social Dance Club(SDC),我答應幫忙,成立了以研究生為主要社員的社團,我是名義上的副社長,Andrei 是社長。這是 2006 年初。

新社團,一切是理想的。我們掛著社長副社長的頭銜只是因為我們是研究生,所以符合社團規章,我們只是幫忙其他社員規劃時間表和教室,沒有任何上對下的權力。新社團不是為了跟BDC抗衡,只是提供另一個學跳舞的管道,強調社交舞蹈 Argentine Tango 和 Hustle,強調我們決議任何事情的過程都是透明的,所有的人都可以參與。
我的舞技在上一個春天狂進,每個禮拜的去上 Bryan & Sophie的課,加上我跟 Bryan 連續三個月的單獨練習,我的「感覺力」大增,讓我有自信在真的社交場合跟段數高的 dancer 跳舞。
像是回到大學時代經營戲劇社一樣,小社團裡,跟所有人的感情都很好,我有了一幫 tango gang,我登高一呼,大家一起出來吃個飯跳個舞,分享各種不同的 tango 音樂,我發現 tango 音樂也比 salsa 音樂要來的有深度,可以熱情,可以深情,可以火辣,可以憂鬱,有傳統的,有新時代的,有單一樂器的,有複雜配樂的,有各種不同語言的歌聲。最近迷上所謂的 neo-tango,前幾個月喜歡 techno-tango。

直到一個多月前,我沒有辦法寄 email 給SDC的社員們,才發現 Andrei 有非常嚴格的律法管制我們的電子郵件新聞公布,我覺得沒有必要那麼嚴格。我當然不希望收到垃圾信,但是我好歹也是核心社員,我要公布的事情跟社團有關,應該要讓我有寄送郵件的權益。
這就算了,他認為一定要「直接相關」的事務才從SDC可以公佈,那「直接」的程度我非常無法苟同。例如,我不能跟大家說「紐約最近有 tango festival」除非我打算要去參加。例如,我們不能販賣我們自己的舊舞鞋。
於是,我訴諸其他核心社員的意見,展開一個禮拜的 email 討論。那個禮拜,我每天一打開信箱,至少有五封信是跟 SDC 有關。
好吧,要透明化是吧,於是我們對所有人公布,一起來投票決定哪一種規定要用在SDC email 上,四個選項,大家寄信告訴我喜歡那幾種,我統計好告訴核心社員。
Andrei 還是不高興,他說最高票的選項(開放SDC email,取消所有規定)沒有獲得絕對多數。

他不滿我私自決定誰是核心成員,誰不是。好吧,所以我就邀請所有訂閱 SDC mail news 的人一起來討論。
但是他同時又規定怎樣才能成為社員,而訂閱 SDC mail news 的人不代表他們是社員,所以又所以又所以,社團因為這樣小小的行政事務而無法向前邁進。
“Why are you fighting with me, Peggy?”
“What will people think that the President and the Vice President do not agree with each other?”
“Stop complaining!”

所以 Bryan 開了自己的舞蹈教室,自己的網絡。

Sophie 身為 SDC 的指導老師,替我公布了我的辭去,但是她希望我繼續跳舞。
當然啦,我會因為那樣的豬頭而放棄 tango 嗎?一點都不值得。所以我繼續跳舞,我幫忙 Bryan 開始他的職業舞蹈教室和公開的 milonga(tango 社交場合),在SDC裡我跟 Justin 要開始教 tango初級班,我還是會到處參加 tango workshop增進舞技。

Tango 跟 yoga 一樣,不常練習就會退步。練習越頻繁,對自己的身體認識得越多。

Andrei 竟然異想天開的叫我去簽SDC的文件,說等找到代替我的人再改文件。

前幾天,Bryan 開班第一晚,我去捧場,我的tango gang 也去了。
可以跟 State College 最好的舞者跳舞,跳很美的舞,誰在乎那些惱人的社團事務。

Let’s dance.

August 30, 2006

discovery with new feelings

How many times have I seen a squirrel or a couple of squirrels or a group of squirrels running around, playing, chasing, and eating in Taipei where I was born and living for 22 years? The answer is zero.How many times have I seen a squirrel or a couple of squirrels or a group of squirrels running around, playing, chasing, and eating in northeast America where I have been living for 4 years? The answer is … hm… the number is too big, and the definition of counting has to be reset.

Not surprisingly, I was surprised by those cute little creatures happily existing with people during the first months of my American life. I stared at them, observing their movements, taking pictures, feeding them. Their fluffy long tails waved in the air when they were jumping across the field, running along tree branches. When a squirrel stayed still, its tail was off the ground and gave its body a nice balance and a symmetrical image.I liked it when they used their "hands" holding food and focused on eating. I liked it when they chased each other for fighting for territory or mates. I liked it when they dug holes through a layer of snow to find food that they stored before winner.

Now I still like them. But of course, I do not stop to look at each of them as often as previously. They are still lovely but not so attractive anymore.

Last weekend, walking in New York around 1st Ave and 23rd St, a squirrel captured my attention. This guy wore shining beautiful jet-black hair, searching for food in grass of a little yard. I never saw a black squirrel and was amazed by its elegant feature. It was like watching shampoo commercial in Taiwan where shining, strong, black hair was emphasized with an image of a long-haired model."Wow, cool! Now I am searching for a snow white squirrel for my picture collection." I said after taking pictures of this cute little black beauty.

Today, walking on campus, where the number of squirrels may be equal to the number of students, a squirrel blocked my path. This guy was lying prone on the sidewalk, eyes closed, tail down. This was very unusual. Squirrels normally have ADHD. When being approached by people, most of them get freaked out and jump away, and some are brave enough to get close to people (for food usually). I passed by the squirrel. It did not move or change its position at all, remaining lying on its stomach. Thus, I stopped right in front of it and picked out my camera. It opened its eyes and looked up to me. It seemed breathing heavily and was a bit concerned about what I was going to do to it. But it went back to its comforting position again. I think it must be old and waiting for the nature takes its life away. However, this was the first time I ever saw a squirrel like it. I always had a question where they were hiding when waiting for death. I saw dead squirrels on the roads, killed by car. I never saw dead squirrel bodies elsewhere. I grew pity on this squirrel lying on the sidewalk, wishing it died peacefully.

Something new discovered by the not-so-new me.
Some feeling randomly beautiful.

August 20, 2006




身體只耗費相當少的能量和時間從楓糖漿和檸檬汁攝取營養,所以消化系統呈現休息狀態,所以需要刺激腸胃才能排毒。因為人性的怠惰,上次我全程只喝了半公升鹽水和一兩杯的 senna leaf tea。這次幾乎每天晚上跟著 marc喝 senna leaf tea,每天早上灌一公升鹽水,以確定排毒的效果。的確是,排呀~
不過不舒服的感覺來自無形的生活壓力,跟 marc 朝夕相處的不適。沒有「新環境新生活新氣象」的新鮮感,才發覺食物不只是身體的能量,也是精神生活的一部份。


認識 marc 是個機運,因為他,我開始練瑜珈,發現熱瑜珈是絕佳的排毒運動,連續上個兩三天就見效,皮膚問題開始好轉。但是熱瑜珈(Bikram)只在大城市才有,所以實際上我無法持之以恆,只能在每次去紐約的時候乖乖去上課。

然後我想我應該有肝臟方面的問題,於是喝 milk thistle tea。這樣子的草藥療法像是中藥養生一樣,短期內看不到效果,反而是一種心理的安定作用,一種「我在做一件有益健康的事情」的好感。
這回斷食結束了兩天後,明天我要做清理肝臟的自我療法。在美國養生界(泛指信仰食療、練瑜珈、打坐、東方宗教的人),有一套發展多時,人人推薦的 liver flush 方法,食材簡單容易準備,只花費一個下午加一個晚上。marc 親自問了嘗試過的人,也詢問過瑜珈大師,我也看了一些資料,認為方法滿合乎邏輯的,我們決定試看看。

能買到有機食品,就不使用一般超市販賣的食物。如果是已經處理過的食品,一定看成分標籤,確定沒有 trans fat 或是 partially hydrogenated oil (or hydrogenated oil)才買。加拿大和歐洲早已經禁止販賣含有 trans fat 的東西,美國今年才開始,但是即使包裝上大大寫著 no trans fat,常常在成分標籤的小字裡還是可以看到 partially hydrogenated oil,這其實就是 trans fat,正確全名是 trans fatty acid,也就是說這不是一種脂肪,而是一種脂肪酸,當植物性油用化學方式固化的時候就會有這個副產品,會囤積在身體裡的一種可能性致癌因子。在美國,他們大量使用這種 hydrogenated oil 在零食裡面,愛吃零食的我必須要小心謹慎,如今體內環保意識高漲,尤其是在 State College 這個學術藝術小鎮,可以買到有很多天然沒有添加物的零食,一樣好吃。不過,人工奶油(margarine)裡也有這個成分,美國市場裡烘焙的麵包、蛋糕等等點心,幾乎都是用人工奶油,所以 marc 很討厭「美國人的奶油」,每次都要問烘焙師傅,是用什麼奶油做糕點,用「真的奶油」才買。

內在呢,也開始跟著 marc 注意小細節。當然,日常消費會因為常購買有機食材而變高,但是長遠來說,如果可以省下將來慢性疾病的醫藥費,其實我們是在對自己做好事。

marc 愛喝茶的程度遠高於我認識的任何台灣人,他尤其愛烏龍和日本綠茶,我也喜歡茶,但是還不到高於喜歡咖啡的程度。不過,因為他,我開始閱讀喝茶和喝咖啡對身體的好處。茶,的確是好東西。



August 10, 2006






一個南非朋友說:「Home is where I am.」 雖然我仍然渴望一個定居之所,一個我可以叫它是家的地方,但是我瞭解他的說法,我們都是獨立的生命個體,我們偶爾相逢互通訊息互相幫助,然後各自發展自己的旅程。

前幾天,Dinara 離開 State College,她要去荷蘭工作了,不過要先回哈薩克斯坦(Kazakhstan)一個月。臨行前,她吆喝一群朋友在一個酒吧裡,應該說「酒吧外」因為是露天的,聚一聚,吃一客很美式的漢堡。
我是在學阿根廷探戈的時候認識她的,是一個個子小個性大的女生,很異國的口音,小小的東亞眼睛,高高的北歐鼻子,南亞的膚色,說不上來她像是亞洲人還是歐洲人,也不能說她是俄國人。反正她是個說俄文的人,來美國唸書,在德州拿到博士之後,來 Penn State 當博士後研究員,現在要轉到業界工作了。
她的眼眶竟然泛著淚光,她說「Life is tough.」我點點頭,我知道,很溫暖。我知道她瞭解,因為她已經走過我正在經歷的事情,她仍然獨立的走下去。

Life is tough, and that is my choice.

July 12, 2006



通常我會先看 Google News,概括所有類別的新聞,政治、國際、科技、醫療、體育、影視。






July 2, 2006


1. 我以為我今年八月會畢業,然後離開 State College。
2. 我以為我的房租在今年五月到期。

Marc 幫我留意各種消息,巧的是他系上一對教授夫婦 Pat & Jim 每年夏天都需要人幫忙看房子,巧的是去年的這個時候他們開始找今年的「house-sitter」(這個字是從「保母 ”babysitter”」照樣造句來的),巧的是去年的這個時候他們還沒找到自願者。Marc 就把 Pat 的 email 轉給我,我跟 Pat 聯絡上,我到他們家看環境,他們跟我說我大概要做的事情(或者說不用費心的事情):
我的任務基本上就是睡在他們家…. 而且是他們的床。我還頗訝異他們竟然沒有客房,但是有兩個書房、一個很寬敞的客廳、很游刃有餘的廚房、兩套衛浴、一個很舒適的後陽台。

第二次到 Pat & Jim 的家是去年年底,Jim 把除草機從儲藏室拖出來,要示範給我看怎麼使用。他已經半年多沒有用,似乎忘了一些小技巧,所以那時沒有成功的教我怎麼用。
第三次到 Pat & Jim 的家是今年五月初,Pat 列了清單,告訴我一些要注意的事情和要幫忙的瑣事,但是那天最重要的事是要學會怎麼用除草機。如果你的院子很雜亂,鄰居有權力可以舉發你,因為你破壞了他們視覺環境。如果你院子裡的樹枝掉在人行道,害行人跌倒或是任何意外,你要負全責。所以我需要注意雜草生長的情況,和唯一一棵有可能會長出分枝到人行道的樹。

五月初的那天,我成功的啟動了引擎,Jim 跟我說明了步湊,也留了一張說明書在除草機旁邊,Pat 開玩笑的說「Now you’re a real rural American」,我乾笑了兩聲。我不想變成鄉下人或是美國人或是美國的鄉下人。
我要離開的時候,Pat 跟我說今年的前院似乎很貧瘠,說不定我根本沒有機會用除草機。

今天是個放晴的好日子,法國隊剛剛打敗了巴西隊,我一個心情好,打開了儲藏室,拖出了除草機,然後… 我愣了半晌,心裡盤算了步驟,很有自信的想把除草機的布袋裝上。被割掉的草或是小樹枝都會噴進那個布袋裡。
挖哩勒,還真難裝上,花了十幾分鐘還有幾滴汗,我拿起說明書「…. Hook the bag to the rod… 」嗯… 哪裡有什麼 rod? 一點幫助都沒有,就要放棄的時候,我使出了一點蠻力,布袋突然固定上機器了。
超難拉動的!過了幾分鐘還有好幾滴汗水之後,我投降看向說明書。歐~ 我應該要一邊按住一個把手一邊拉引線,好,再來一次,這次引擎聽起來似乎有點要被啟動樣子了。深吸一口氣,用一點腰力,引擎啟動的瞬間我的心似乎跳了出來,不是因為興奮我終於成功了,而是那引擎聲真是超大的噪音,嚇我一跳。

滿意結果後,把布袋打開,碎碎的草倒出來堆成一個小山。拿著大剪刀修一修樹枝,再掃掃車道,呼~ 我不適合住在一個有院子的房子裡。
在 Pat & Jim 回來前,我恐怕還要再除一次草,下次要順便換一下後院花盆,買一些花放在院子裡。


June 30, 2006


Mohamed 問我有沒有看過這麼多螢火蟲。我說有,我來這裡已經是第四個夏天了。


I am mean. 找不到一個適當的中文詞來解釋 mean.





盯著 Andrei 的鈕釦,他的舞技進步了,越來越能夠掌握小小的竅門引領我做出看似花俏的動作。

June 26, 2006


昨天是星期六,是個週末,我漏接了一通電話,本來以為是 marc 打來的,聽了留言後汗顏。

但是第二次拔智齒的時候,拔牙醫生跟我說我的某顆臼齒的 filling 磨損了,該去填起來,我假裝沒聽到。尤其那時候麻醉剛退,我根本還沒完全醒過來。誰知道拔牙醫生也跟 marc 說了,要他提醒我。

marc 竟然去找了一個牙醫,還幫我掛了號。
心不甘情不願的去了,牙醫姓羅蜜歐,仔細的檢查了我的牙,照了 X 光。她說我拔智齒的傷口還腫腫的,不建議我現在就填補那個漏洞。跟我約了一個禮拜之後再去看她。日子到了,我編了一個理由,打了電話過去取消了我的門診。
後來 marc 唸了我好幾天。

一直到一個禮拜前,marc 突然天外飛來一筆說,你後來有沒有去看牙啊?我不想再帶你去拔牙了。

那天,她花了整整兩個小時,仔仔細細的洗了我滿嘴。好像是髮型設計師一樣,拿著剪刀修來修去,東探探西摸摸,直到滿意為止。羅蜜歐醫生那個鏡子、鑽子、口水吸引器,配合著牙線、水蜜桃口味麻醉液、蔓越梅口味美白劑,最後再來個 X 光。





June 6, 2006


I have quit drinking since the first day of 2006. Read my Chinese webpage for my New Year’s embarrassing incident in Bellagio.
However, I am still fond of beer and wine and taste a little, no more than half a glass. To waste my best friends’ gifts in judging beer and wine is the last thing I would do.
Zabeth says that you could always find beer in her fridge. The best beer in any given condition. She started looking for the best beer in Pennsylvania even before recovering from her jet lag. According to her German beer-tasting blood, Pilsner Urquell is the best beer ever. I have to believe her because Pilsner Urquell is Czech beer not German. See how unbiased she is. Her favorite German beer is Dortmunder Union Pils. To date, in her testing phase of Pennsylvanian beer, Hop Devil is the runner-up, while the existence of the winner remains promising. These are easy thing to remember. The difficult thing is when she try to explain me the differences among lager, ale, stout, etc.As to wine, Marc has various favorites, depending on what he’s eating. Chicken, fish, lamb, beef, rabbit, escargots, foie gras, or cheese; what kind of cheese, how the meat is cooked, what the function of the food is – an appetizer, entrée, or dessert. Serving the wine cold or warm sometimes also has to take the weather into account. Anyway, when it comes to wine, he is the boss.
Actually I am happy to be a follower, as long as the leader does not test my limit of patience. When I count on you, please make a decision no more than 3 minutes per possible choice. So far Zabeth and Marc are very good at deciding beer and wine for me. In addition, they are also good at taking over my glass if I cannot finish it.
All and all, the chance of me getting drunk is very low.
I don’t have popular bad habits, such as smoking, drinking, and gambling. I like doing yoga, go hiking, and taking hot bath. Basically I live a relatively healthy life. The last time I got seriously ill was 2 and half years ago.
I was sick at KirkStock last weekend. I hope he could updated the website with some pictures taken during that weekend.
Kirk French is Marc’s friend in Anthropology Dept. He has lived in the middle of woods for 3 years and worked on the house and land for exchange of rent. He is leaving for St. Louis and thought it would be a great fun if people gathered together for a weekend.
It was a great fun. He and his friends invited 11 bands to perform on stage, which Marc helped to build up. His “yard” was so huge that tens of tents were uncrownedly scattered here and there.
The first night (June 2nd) was not very exciting because of rain. The bands didn’t start until 11pm. I played with Uno the cat who was only several months old. I watched Joe making sausages with the recipe from Spats. I sold a few KirkStock T-shirts with a red “staff” T-shirt on. I chatted with people coming in and out of the house. I waited for Marc returning from his shift in the parking lot (a large meadow field). I ate something. I talked to Cameron the 12-yr-old. I wrote something in my notebook. I didn’t give any portable toilet a chance. Eventually, Marc and I were tired out and went home. We didn’t camp there.
The other day (June 3rd) I found out that not many “staff” people camped there. It’s just much better to sleep in a dry warm bed.
The weather was much nicer. Marc and I went on hiking. Starting off from the performance stage, walking through dead branches and falling leaves, we found a hiking trail. We gorgeously hiked for one and half hour. The view was amazingly pretty at the top of the “mountain” (from a Pennsylvanian point of view). It was a plateau up there. Grass was freshly green. Tree trunks were deadly white but still straight from tip in the sky to root in the ground. Air was openly refreshing. Some rocks decorated randomly. The picture was great, and I condemned my forgetting carrying my camera.
We walked (and I slid) down a wide path for animals. Well, that’s what Marc speculated. It was like in Brokeback Mountain the movie, the path in mountains where sheep was going.
It was a very interesting and new experience for me anyway.
Joe was brilliant that he found an abandoned rusty van and turned it into an oven. An oven where the sausages were smoked. Smoked by burning apple tree branches inside the van.
The sausages turned out to be the most delicious food I had in the weekend. Very juicy, tasty, and chewy.
With my red staff T-shirt, I helped selling some sausages, T-shirts, and burritos.
In the kitchen, I saw a guy making brownies.
He said something that I didn’t register. I just smiled and walked away.
Later, Marc came to me with a brownie. I had a bite. Marc suggested me not to have more because there was “something” in it. I felt nothing and tasted nothing and cared nothing.
Before heading to the Wilcox Hotel’s performance (Jason and Ryan’s band), the brownie guy offered me another piece. Kirk saw me and asked me if I knew what that was. I said it’s a brownie. He may have thought I knew exactly what I would experience later. Actually I was way too innocent in this case.
After the Wilcox Hotel show, I was looking for a nice spot for my natural call. It was too dark in the woods. I didn’t feel like to pee under the condition that I could not see the environment where dogs and wild animals were running around. Finally, I used a portable toilet. What could I do!!?? I hated and still hate a portable toilet. It was one of the disgusting things in the world. My worst experience was in the Central Park of New York. That was a hot day. The toilet was FULL of unbreathable stuff. The seat was muddy. The… I don’t want to recall that event. Anyway I had to give in last Saturday night; otherwise my bladder would explode. It was okay. Some deodorant worked well. The “container” was not stuffed. There was even toilet paper. My goose bumps went off anyway but my mood did not change too much after using the toilet.
You know what, I could not help thinking about the portable toilet joke or tragedy when I was in the booth. The story went with a guy in one portable toilet in a parking lot. A car backing up bumped into the booth and pushed it down. The guy in the booth of course was horrified and smeared and pissed (the punch line).
Chatting on and off, I became bored and cold. It was me or the temperature? I was shivering. I went to sit down near the bonfire. Not for long, I went into the house and sat down on the couch and picked out my book to read. I could not focus on any single word. Literally unable to focus. My eyes were out of control. They just did not fixate at any location. I thought I may have got a cold or something because my head started aching.
Then Marc came along and asked me if I was alright. He told me the brownie now was digested and effects were showing up. I didn’t believe him at first. Later, I tried to stand up but my knees could not straight up or support my trunk. I knew something was up.
My whole body was obviously shaking now. Thomas came to sit beside me and tried to comfort me. He also had taken one piece but because of his body fat and his history of substance usage, he was fine and relaxed. Relaxed. He told me to be relaxed, which was supposed to be the effect of the brownie. I was not relaxed at all. I just wanted to stop trembling. Even my teeth were hitting each other. I figured the least uncomfortable state was to keep my eyes closed. Seeing a shaking world (due to my shaking eyeballs) was not very nerve-soothing.
Marc and I went to the balcony to be isolated from the crowd. Sick people were not allowed to be in a party because we depressed the atmosphere. I was being mentally mean and physically weak. Marc left me for help. People said drinking lots of water would help. Thus I was given bottles of water. People said throwing up would help. Thus there was a barrel for me to vomit.
I leaned on the damp couch, eyes closed, hearing people’s asking if I was alright. Matt, the neighbor of Kirk, came to pat my head and give me a bottle of water. Marc hugged me with his also shaking body. He didn’t feel well either. He said either the dosage was too high or the quality was bad. Either way, I should have not had it because I never had had it before.
I vomited. I drank water. I don’t remember how long we stayed there on the balcony damp couch. Kirk led me upstairs to lie down. He had one piece too but was okay.
Sara and Eric gave us a ride back home.
By the way, on the KirkStock Logo, by the guitar string, there was the signature of the designer, R. Gill. That was Sara’s sister. She drove 5 hours from Ohio to attend to this KirkStock thing. Very devoted. Actually many people came from distant places. A guy came from Texas because he has known Kirk for many years. Some fans of bands drove long way here. Many performers were not living in State College or any where in Pennsylvania.
I vomited for the second time on the way home. Sara pulled over and switched down the window for me. I felt bad that my vomited thing touched her car, but felt much better in stomach.
If that was the feeling of being drunk, I will not get drunk ever.
If that was the feeling of being high, I will get high with coffee only.
I slept almost all day on Sunday. That’s it. My brownie story.
I have preferred to follow Zabeth and Marc’s lead to sip some good beer and wine, now even so.
I liked the Brown Bird guy from New York. You can click on his link on the
He was the most entertaining singer in the weekend. Wide mouth. Impressive outfit. Blue or jazz-ish style of singing. Great voice. He made me smile all the time when he’s on stage. That’s a natural high.