I feel quite content these days and actually have not as many wishes as previous years. Alternatively, I found many things hopeless, which will not improve with wishes.
However, hopes make life more beautiful. Wishes make dreams more romantic.
Here is my wish-to-do list for 2010. Let's make some high expectations and work hard to meet them!
1. Travel to Japan, Spain, Iceland, New Zealand, or Argentina.
2. Get ten articles published, peer-reviewed or not.
3. Get five research projects funded, federal or not.
4. Learn a new skill, physical or mental.
5. Be more earth-friendly.
6. Participate in an organization or society unrelated to my profession.
7. Accomplish all of the above....
Alright, I was staring at number 7 and could not think of anything else that is more doable than a simple wish...
Next I am going to generate the wish list with items that I will have less control but much hope for their occurrence.
1. Mama and Superstar get healthier and happier.
2. Kim and Chris, Zabeth and Stefan have babies.
3. I get a window and another book shelf in my office.
4. My brother Yu gets his business growing and profiting.
5. Alex finds the job, and all my friends on the job market too.
6. Fewer people spit or litter in the New York subway.
7. All of the above come true.
The year has began. Welcome, 2010. Hope to do my best. Wish for the best.