
January 27, 2007




先說還沒有外遇的情況,如果貌合神離的感覺已經是明顯到讓你失眠,而且你已經嘗試過很多方式來激起對方的興趣,或者兩個人都努力過都妥協過 – 所謂幸福是兩個人一起來經營,結果還是沒有交集,那麼你為什麼還要繼續留在這一場婚姻裡?這就像是在冰箱裡放了一盤剩菜,你知道那盤菜曾經很美味,但是沒有人想去碰它,擺在那裡讓它慢慢爛掉,搞得整個冰箱瀰漫那盤剩菜的腐臭。







January 20, 2007

can you find answers online?

One of my frequently-checked website is, which I use as my English dictionary. It has been proved very useful.

Like many web-users, I take Google as the God of know-it-all.

Not quite recently, I found several how-to websites, two of which are called and
I personally prefer, essentially because it first caught my attention by an super interesting how-to article "How to run on a wall". You'll be surprised that many unusual or abstract questions have been answered online. What surprises me even more is the fact of the existence of the answers to ill-defined questions!

See? That is a great example between human mind and computer calculation. Humans have the ability to answer ill-defined questions. Computers, at best, may be able to give a good guess but the good guess usually is not a satisfying answer.

I have been struggling with something recently. Feeling helpless, I turned to internet. First, I simply could not focus on work so that I tried to find something interesting to read online. Afterwards, the whole thing has become more and more interesting as it develops online (as in my mind and as in the cyber world).

It began as I typed "break" in the blank bar of
The definition of the word did not satisfy my real question.
Thus, I googled "take a break in relationship". The first link was "Can true love take a break"
(I later tried googling "take a break in a relationship", and the results were different. A single-lettered word did make a difference.)
I clicked on it. One quarters of the posted answers gave a positive to the question.
People really are answering and looking for answers to their questions online!!! Wow!!!

Hey, I read the last issue of the last year of Time. The person of the year 2007 is YOU. The user-generating generation is not coming. It is already happening and developing. I feel so behind.

I could not read any answer to "Can true love take a break" before knowing the definition of "true love".
Therefore, I went to to find the answer of "How to define love".
I found the Tips and Warnings sections very amusing.

One tip was "Lust could lead to love."
Why was this sentence categorized as a tip of defining love?

One warning was "True love may come only once in a lifetime." followed by another warning saying "
If someone tells you true love only happens once, they have seen too many Disney films." Obviously, you can see a conflict here.

It turned out that this did not help me at all but a funny essay.
Luckily, I found a link on the right side of the article. A link in a column called "Related wikiHows", haha, how cute. Then I was linked to "How to know the difference between love, infatuation and lust". Alright, this time, I would say it's enough because this how-to article touched some part of my heart and I had to stop doing research on this topic.
How to calm myself down is to write. So I am writing now, online.

But I am obsessed now.
So I also click on "How to not be an obsessive girlfriend"
And I think back as how I have been. It is totally not fair to me because of the situation I am in right now. I am so contextually primed and thus believe that I AM an obsessive girlfriend. Not fair at all.
Well, no, I am not that crazy as a person or as an obsessive person. I am not qualified as an obsessive girlfriend according to that article. Hooooo... feel relieved. See how easy that my emotion can be changed by an online unauthorized authority. Boy, I am going to ban all that stuff for a while.
No love songs. No love movies. No nothing.

Maybe it is time to shift my attention back to my dissertation.
By the way, I met a friend writing his dissertation in a coffee house. He asked "Do you want to be dissertated this year?"
Oh yes. I know the answer of this question, and I don't have to go online to find the answer.

January 14, 2007



張學友的歌聲把我拉回愛唱 KTV 的年代,周迅的大眼睛把我拉回天天看「像霧像雨又像風」的黃金歲月,金城武… 那是更久遠的回憶:
第一次見到金城武,是國中一年級的時候吧,那次是去郭富城的演唱會,仰賴 Judy 的長輩恩寵,我跟著進駐那演唱會的貴賓席,剛不入會場門的那時,Judy 指著我面前的背影說:「我乾媽簽下這個男生,是個很帥的混血兒,叫做金城武。」我好奇的看到他的側臉。後來,沒多久,整個亞洲都知道他的名字。




在美國唸書這幾年,明瞭畢業後必定會搬離 State College,博士後研究員的生涯頂多兩三年,又要搬家,運氣好就可能找到我要的研究教職而定居下來,但是我知道大部分的人會再經歷另一段的博士後研究生活,然後又要搬家,然後找到教職的前四年可能還不會定居下來… 誰說學術界比業界平穩?
Damn it! How long does this last? I want to be 40 years old NOW!




January 8, 2007

one smily me

I was very happy on my birthday.

It started on a sweaty beginning in a Bikram studio on the 23rd Street. Yoga cleaned my system with pure joy and left me a glowing smile on my skin. Unbelievable for my old self, after one and half year of practicing, now I really can bend myself in half. In good times, my chest really can touch my thighs. If my PE teachers in high school or university saw me now, they would not have given me that low grades.

Somehow I was hungry for soup. I did a quick search via google and found several soup places near 23rd St and 2nd Av, where Jeff and Venessa’s apartment locates and where we were staying again. On a blog or some user-generated forum, a person highly strongly beggingly recommended Lamarca on 22nd St and 3rd Av. Perfect! So we went there and were seated and waiting for the waiter while reading the menu. They did not have soups. Very buzzard. Oh, the waiter said we should go to the next door. Now it was right. Lamarca on the 22nd St but not at the intersection of 22nd and 3rd. Got it.
It was a cute, nice, friendly, and sunlight-filled place. The soup really was great. Cheese, bread, and espresso were also great.

Then we kept walking on 23rd St to look for a dancing shoe store that everybody (i.e., Bryan and Nat) had recommended. Actually it was Marc who wanted to get something specific for his dancing shoes. I was the one who was being a company for this trip but spent much more money than he did in the store. Come on, it was a dancing shoe store with gorgeous shoes on sale. And it was my B-day. I definitely had all reasons to give myself a nice treat. That pair of shoes then proved very sexy and went very well with my birthday milonga outfit.

In the afternoon, I was very productive in my work.
I did not forget my duty as being a soon-PhD student who was desperately looking for a post-doc research position.

I dressed up for my birthday dinner. Marc and Jeff escorted me in a cab and then on a walk for 6 blocks. Well, some manholes exploded before we grabbed the cab. The driver informed us the traffic had been going nuts after the accident. So we had to give up the ride before entering the village. My legs were complaining because Marc had talked me into wearing my tango outfit for dinner. My legs were naked and the wind was not polite. Unexpectedly, however, the walk was pleasant. Addition to the fact that Marc and Jeff were good company, it was very nice to hear different languages in the village, around the Prada store and other cozy bookstores. Street lights and people’s laughter and old-age bricks on the sideway made my soul soaring.

Nat came to meet us. In the legendary Blue Ribbon Sushi 青浩(米字旁)壽司, I met the most good-looking Japanese guy ever. He was our waiter! I could not keep my eyes off him.
But that was not the best part of my dinner. The best part was what Marc ordered for me. Omakase. It meant the chef’s special. So special that no one would know what would be on the plate before the dish was presented. It was delicious. Every bite and every swallow. The temperature of the fish was perfect. The freshness of the fish was undoubted. The delicacy of the slices of fish was five-starred. In particular, I was heartily appropriated what the chef did for one additional thing. See the fish bone rounded in the picture? The waiter (yes, the super hot waiter) came to get that fish bone when I’d half-way done my meal and took it for being deep-fried. If the skeleton had been fried at the beginning, it would have absorbed the moisture in the air, and would have not been as crispy and tasty! It was brilliant!
This definitely was the best sushi and sashimi ever in my Japanese dining experience.

Once the waiter cleaned up our table, I asked for a dessert menu.
He came back with a green-tea crème brulee, which plate had a single slim blue candle, and another plate of Japanese-style fruit ice cream. I was soooo touched. Marc WAS romantic tonight. How rare and precious. I could not help but smile and smile and smile and smile…

The milonga was in La Nacional, on the 14th St between 7th & 8th Aves. It was a very traditional Latino or Argentino restaurant/bar. It was a very high-level crowd of dancers. Just by watching them, I knew two years of dancing only qualified me as a advanced beginner. There was a tradition in milonga that birthday people got the whole floor for one song. The host announced that tonight was a birthday for two dancers. I knew he did not count me because I was a nobody or because I did not let anyone in the milonga know it.
The first birthday person was a regular dancer. I would say he was not as good as Bryan but still managed to lead a good dance. The second person was a star in the world of tango. Michael Nadtochi. I met him several times in different tango festivals. He always sported his hair greasily from front to back, like an old gentleman. He had a very charming looking and fabulous vibe as a tango leader. He also had one of the most fabulous and sexy partner in the tango world. Her name is Angeles Chanaha. During his birthday solo, only super advanced followers dared to come on the floor to dance with him. It was the best show that night. It was to celebrate his birthday and also in a different way celebrating mine.
I have a post card with Michael and Angeles on it. I totally did not have any strength to tell the host it was my birthday too. No one wanted to dance solo after Michael’s solo.
I was already happy that he and I have the same birthday.
I was already happy to see his performance (and Angeles’s) for this beautiful coincidence.
I was already happy that Bryan showed up tonight (Sophie had to be with the baby).
I was already happy that I could spend the night tangoing with my partner, who was also fabulous in many ways.

While we were leaving around 1am, the other birthday guy stood by the boor (because he partially took charge of tonight’s milonga) and gave me a rose. I said “Happy Birthday! It was mine too.” He smiled back and I felt his happiness and mine.

I had a happy birthday.